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Saturn Pluto Conjunction Horoscopes
In my previous Eclipse Forecast article, I started to introduce the idea of Saturn and Pluto making a conjunction to welcome a new 38-year cycle.
In essence, Saturn and Pluto have been holding the secrets to some pretty big plans that are about to be announced when they finally make their exact conjunction on the 13th January 2020 (AEDT). Being tied in the the eclipses for the past two years has amplified the Saturn/Pluto story in all of us.
In essence, Saturn and Pluto are calling us to make room for change, firstly by giving us the opportunity to shed what we no longer need. If we create this space now, the Saturn Pluto conjunction can be free to execute their new 38-year plans for us. If we’re over-burdened, the Saturn Pluto conjunction will need to crush and destroy some things to make room for new plans.
Consequently, we may feel some heavy burdens, obstacles and intense exchanges in the air at the moment. But we’ve probably felt this kind of pressure at the last three sets of eclipses. In the uncertainty and stress of restructure, we may not be able to see the new structure of our life at this time, however, the important footings for the next 38-year chapter are being laid.
How will you feel the Saturn Pluto conjunction?
What does the 38-year Saturn Pluto conjunction mean for you personally? I’ve written a brief run down for all of the signs to give you some insights on the area of life where Saturn and Pluto are impacting you most.
Read the sign that relates to your Ascendant. If you don’t know your Ascendant, read your Sun sign. Reading both your sun and rising signs will also be relevant. If you’d like to know your ascendant, head to my site to get a free copy of your natal chart sent to your inbox.
Vocation and career matters have been highlighted by Saturn and Pluto for the past couple of years. As if on a quest to find your authentic place in the world, this transit has put you through many tests of will, courage, patience and inner strength. Along the way, you may have been subjected to intense episodes of power plays, controlling or oppresive situations and destructive environments around your career or public life. Anger and frustration has been more familiar to you as external pressures keep mounting on your already busy life.
In the process, you may be feeling drained in physical vitality and your body. You probably feel exhausted but that’s become an everyday state of being that you’re accustomed to now. It hasn’t killed you but has made you stronger and more resiliant to withstand the heavy demands of life, whether they be career, physical health, home, family and/or relationships.
The conjunction of Saturn and Pluto will stimulate you to bring about new structures in your public life and career. Your perception of how you would like to contribute to the world at large, how you would like to be remembered and what you’d like to be acknowledged for will be the foundation upon which you will build a new way of life. This new structure will be sustainable and authentic enough to inspire your passion, enthusiasm and energy for the next 38 years.
As you await the new Saturn-Pluto cycle in the next few days, reflect on a time 38 years ago when the current Saturn-Pluto cycle emerged in Libra. Think of what new structures were established then that has held you until now. If you were too young, think of what new structures around your parents’ lives that impacted on your life. Give it thanks, release and let it rest. It’s time for a new 38-year journey that you can design for yourself, with more clarity and consciousness.
Your philosophical outlook on life has been highlighted by Saturn and Pluto for the past couple of years. You’ve come on a journey, whether that be a physical or mental one, to understand the world and your place in it, in a more constructive and practical way. In this time, you may have been challenged to let go of former beliefs and ideologies which could have rocked your understanding and meaning for life. Studying, reading, travelling, teaching and mentoring have likely been key activities occupying your mind.
Saturn and Pluto have been occupying the area of the law for you as well. In the past two years, you may have literally been involved in legal affairs, or, you may have found yourself immersed in situations that have tested your ideas of justice and fairness, including the idea of natural laws that govern the universe at large. All of these ideas have stimulated you to review your overall meaning of life as you ponder the deeper responsibilities of humankind on society, environment and politics.
The conjunction of Saturn and Pluto will stimulate you to bring about new structures in the way you learn and connect with your values and beliefs. Your understanding of the world and your place within it, the truths you seek in life and the lengths you will go to to gain this knowledge will be the foundation upon which you build a new way of life. This new structure will be sustainable and authentic enough to hold your desire for spiritual purpose.
As you await the new Saturn-Pluto cycle in the next few days, reflect on a time 38 years ago when the current Saturn-Pluto cycle emerged in Libra. Think of what new structures were established then that has held you until now. If you were too young, think of what new structures around your parents’ lives that impacted on your life. Give it thanks, release and let it rest. It’s time for a new 38-year journey that you can design for yourself, with more clarity and consciousness.
Your finances, taxes, debts and all forms of shared resources have been highlighted by Saturn and Pluto for the past couple of years. For whatever reason, there has been an intense deep dive into fixing all matters of finances, especially of a shared nature such as your loans, taxes, grants, investments and the resources you share with a partner. Perhaps it may have been damage control from the years that you’ve neglected this area of life, or, maybe changes in circumstances have forced this review.
The past couple of years have also seen you come closer to the concept of death and endings. Quite literally, you may have been to more funerals than before, or metaphorically, you may have had to deal with the ending of relationships, projects, partnerships, jobs, etc. Endings are always difficult, but Saturn and Pluto have played a role in removing all the toxic and dysfunctional parts of your life despite how difficult this lesson has been. Hang in there – all of this elimination will clear the way for the new you to emerge in the near future.
The conjunction of Saturn and Pluto will stimulate you to bring about new structures in the way you manage your finances and life administration. Having a good understanding of what’s yours and what’s mine, future planning your finances and eliminating the unnecessary will be the foundation upon which you build a new way of life. This new structure will be sustainable and authentic enough to connect you to the journeys that will stimulate your mind and your heart.
As you await the new Saturn-Pluto cycle in the next few days, reflect on a time 38 years ago when the current Saturn-Pluto cycle emerged in Libra. Think of what new structures were established then that has held you until now. If you were too young, think of what new structures around your parents’ lives that impacted on your life. Give it thanks, release and let it rest. It’s time for a new 38-year journey that you can design for yourself, with more clarity and consciousness.
Relationships and partnerships have been highlighted by Saturn and Pluto for the past couple of years. An intense roller coaster exploring your sense of identity, past conditioning and attitudes towards relationships has given you a better idea of what attributes you seek in a partner and how much you’re willing to sacrifice your own desires. Relationship dynamics in the past couple of years may have included power plays, oppression, control, coldness or a tendency for a material and reputational focus, over your emotional needs.
Whether you’ve begun, ended or stayed in the same relationship status during this period, the underlying theme you’re thinking of is one of boundaries. The movement of Saturn and Pluto through Capricorn raises the need to establish clear limits in your relationships so that you can be the best person you are. Depending on your situation, enforcing your boundaries may have created unprecedented tensions within all relationships, be they romantic or business. Changing of roles and responsibilities is not always smooth and easy but these are some of the pressures that have been impacting on partnerships.
The conjunction of Saturn and Pluto will stimulate you to bring about new structures in your area of relationships and one-on-one partnerships, both romantically or in business. The way you relate to people, your personal boundaries and your attitudes around relationship values will be the foundation upon which you will build a new way of life. This new structure will be sustainable and authentic enough to nurture your emotions and your need to truly belong.
As you await the new Saturn-Pluto cycle in the next few days, reflect on a time 38 years ago when the current Saturn-Pluto cycle emerged in Libra. Think of what new structures were established then that has held you until now. If you were too young, think of what new structures around your parents’ lives that impacted on your life. Give it thanks, release and let it rest. It’s time for a new 38-year journey that you can design for yourself, with more clarity and consciousness.
Your work life and health issues have been highlighted by Saturn and Pluto for the past couple of years. The never-ending grind of daily work has kept you busy and looking for ways to improve your system so you can be more efficient. Even though you feel like you’re getting nowhere but deeper into more work with fluctuating rewards to show for it, the time will soon come where you’ll look back on the enormous achievements you’ve made in the past two years.
On the health front, you may have had some ongoing issues flare up for immediate attention in the past two years. This has forced you to make some significant adjustments to your life routines and structures. If you’ve ignored any of these calls for attention, you may be in for a stern reprimand soon, so keep working on maintenance!
The conjunction of Saturn and Pluto will stimulate you to bring about new structures in the way you manage your health as well as your workload – the two go hand in hand. Balancing work and life responsibilities, working smarter and not harder and getting more informed and systemised about your health management options will be the foundation upon which you build a new way of life. This new structure will be sustainable and authentic enough to inspire you to fulfill your creative passions in a way that honours your service to the world as well as your physical health.
As you await the new Saturn-Pluto cycle in the next few days, reflect on a time 38 years ago when the current Saturn-Pluto cycle emerged in Libra. Think of what new structures were established then that has held you until now. If you were too young, think of what new structures around your parents’ lives that impacted on your life. Give it thanks, release and let it rest. It’s time for a new 38-year journey that you can design for yourself, with more clarity and consciousness.
Children, creative passions and your self-expression have been highlighted by Saturn and Pluto for the past couple of years. Creativity blocks may have been more common in this period as if you’ve been forced to stop your active mind and just focus on the voids of your existence. Saturn and Pluto have shown that this empty void is in fact a liminal space in which your true essence lives. And through discipline and hard work, you’ve been shown how to release this essence into the world. Finding confidence to stand in your own brilliance isn’t easy for you but now is the time to take responsibility to honour your Self and your expression. In doing so, you’re likely to inspire the loved ones around you to follow their hearts.
The conjunction of Saturn and Pluto will stimulate you to bring about new structures in the way you support yourself to express your true identity. Getting to the core of your essence, realising your creative potential and finding the courage to stand in your own light will be the foundation upon which you build a new way of life.
As you await the new Saturn-Pluto cycle in the next few days, reflect on a time 38 years ago when the current Saturn-Pluto cycle emerged in Libra. Think of what new structures were established then that has held you until now. If you were too young, think of what new structures around your parents’ lives that impacted on your life. Give it thanks, release and let it rest. It’s time for a new 38-year journey that you can design for yourself, with more clarity and consciousness.
Family and domestic life have been highlighted by Saturn and Pluto for the past couple of years. Mounting pressure from your responsibilities with real estate, home management, family life and your parents seems to have intensified your personal life, causing you to hold a lot of these burdens quietly as you don’t want to make a drama of it. But actually it has been quite a drama involving tales of past consequences coming back to haunt you, buried trauma resurfacing and other such skeletons in the closet.
In your very private world, the past two years hasn’t been easy. You’ve held many heavy, hard topics deeply and had to face many emotional fears. Though usually social by nature, you’ve been retreating more than ever in the past couple of years – perhaps weighed down by responsibility and pressure. In this time, you may have also reflected on your past conditioning inherited through your parents’ attitudes, your earlier environment and even your ancestral lineage and how this impacts you as a person today.
The conjunction of Saturn and Pluto will stimulate you to bring about new structures in your family and domestic life. Your sense of belonging, your physical and emotional security and the connection with whomever you call your clan will be the foundation upon which you build a new way of life. This new structure will be sustainable and authentic enough to balance your needs for social and mental stimulation.
As you await the new Saturn-Pluto cycle in the next few days, reflect on a time 38 years ago when the current Saturn-Pluto cycle emerged in Libra. Think of what new structures were established then that has held you until now. If you were too young, think of what new structures around your parents’ lives that impacted on your life. Give it thanks, release and let it rest. It’s time for a new 38-year journey that you can design for yourself, with more clarity and consciousness.
Siblings, communication, short travels and learning have been highlighted by Saturn and Pluto for the past couple of years. Daily life in the past two years has been a real grind. You’ve probably felt a great restriction on your daily freedom because of mounting responsibilities placed on you, whether by choice or circumstance. Your reliability and inner strength makes you so capable that you have become the candidate for added responsibilities. The busyness of life has intensified and you may have found an increased need to travel, run errands, coordinate, manage and organise in the past two years.
You may have also started studying or learning something new which has added to more pressure. If not, perhaps you have been feeling the urge to study, learn, write, teach or share your rich inner resources, but haven’t been able to because of time and responsibilities. Part of Saturn and Pluto’s role has been to eliminate some aspects of your daily life so that you have a more realistic approach to what projects you take on.
The conjunction of Saturn and Pluto will stimulate you to bring about new structures in the way you navigate the busyness of daily life. The way you manage your everyday travels, the relevant information you require, the learning you need to do are some of the ways that will inform your life structure. This new structure will be sustainable and authentic enough to deepen your way of life so that you can bring the meaning and passion that you crave into all your everyday activities, rather than being spread too thin.
As you await the new Saturn-Pluto cycle in the next few days, reflect on a time 38 years ago when the current Saturn-Pluto cycle emerged in Libra. Think of what new structures were established then that has held you until now. If you were too young, think of what new structures around your parents’ lives that impacted on your life. Give it thanks, release and let it rest. It’s time for a new 38-year journey that you can design for yourself, with more clarity and consciousness.
Your finances and assets have been highlighted by Saturn and Pluto for the past couple of years. For various reasons, you’ve had to review the way you earn, use and save money. In particular, you’ve become quite familiar with austerity measures as mounting pressures have caused budgets to be strained. In addition to finances, your personal assets and material possessions may have also been through a review and necessary culls have been made to de-clutter and release.
Your livelihood and the ways you make money have also been on your mind. Pressure, oppressive environments and power plays may have contributed to a dissatifaction with your livelihood so you may have considered how you can use your personal resources and skills towards something more fulfilling in the long term.
The conjunction of Saturn and Pluto will stimulate you to bring about new structures in the way you manage your finances and personal possessions. Every consideration related to the way you earn money, spend it and save it will be the foundation upon which you build a new way of life. This new structure will be sustainable and authentic enough to free you to do what’s truly meaningful for you.
As you await the new Saturn-Pluto cycle in the next few days, reflect on a time 38 years ago when the current Saturn-Pluto cycle emerged in Libra. Think of what new structures were established then that has held you until now. If you were too young, think of what new structures around your parents’ lives that impacted on your life. Give it thanks, release and let it rest. It’s time for a new 38-year journey that you can design for yourself, with more clarity and consciousness.
Your whole sense of self which encompasses the way you approach the world, present your image and manage your physical body has been highlighted by Saturn and Pluto for the past couple of years. It has been quite a challenging time with unprecedented pressure on you from everywhere around your immediate environment. People around you may have noticed that you’re not as chirpy as you once were. In fact, there has been a tendency to isolation, depression, negativity and pessimism. You’ve had to learn how to take on less responsibility than what you’ve previously done because your physical health and general wellbeing has taken a plunge.
A review of your entire approach to life has also been a focus for the past two years. Because of mounting pressure everywhere, you’ve had to rethink what’s important to you and how your life direction can better reflect your authentic self. Saturn and Pluto have taken you back to your past, and down to your darkest truths to show you what you are truly capable of. A slow unfoldinig of your true identity has been occurring for the past two years.
The conjunction of Saturn and Pluto will stimulate you to bring about new structures in the way you present yourself to the world. The way you look, your sense of self, your goals to maintain physical health and vitality will be the foundation upon which you build a new way of life. This new structure will be sustainable and authentic enough to hold your ambitions and goals for the future.
As you await the new Saturn-Pluto cycle in the next few days, reflect on a time 38 years ago when the current Saturn-Pluto cycle emerged in Libra. Think of what new structures were established then that has held you until now. If you were too young, think of what new structures around your parents’ lives that impacted on your life. Give it thanks, release and let it rest. It’s time for a new 38-year journey that you can design for yourself, with more clarity and consciousness.
Your mental health, past trauma and your inner state of being have been highlighted by Saturn and Pluto for the past couple of years. In this time, you may have felt like being in a time machine revisiting all of the past sorrows, moments of loss and other traumatic experiences that have left you with deep wounds. It has been a journey to help you process some of these unexplained behaviours that have been normalised in your reactions to those around you. Isolation, depression and anxiety have been familiar to you in the past couple of years as you navigate the murky waters of your buried emotions.
Past conditioning based on trauma, parental influences or ancestral lineage has surfaced strongly to help you realise what values, charateristics and behaviours you currently have that are holding you back from your path. Saturn and Pluto have given you this opportunity, albeit painful, to revisit and correct these inner demons that have previously seen you sabotaging yourself at a mental, physical or emotional level.
The conjunction of Saturn and Pluto will stimulate you to bring about new structures in the way you see yourself from the inside and the way you perceive your problems. Undoing the shackles of past conditioning, reducing your self-limiting beliefs and acknowledging your unconscious shadows will be the foundation upon which you build a new way of life. This new structure will be sustainable and authentic enough to free you from self-limiting beliefs so that you can connect with your path and people again.
As you await the new Saturn-Pluto cycle in the next few days, reflect on a time 38 years ago when the current Saturn-Pluto cycle emerged in Libra. Think of what new structures were established then that has held you until now. If you were too young, think of what new structures around your parents’ lives that impacted on your life. Give it thanks, release and let it rest. It’s time for a new 38-year journey that you can design for yourself, with more clarity and consciousness.
Your friends, networks, business and social groups have been highlighted by Saturn and Pluto for the past couple of years. These two heavyweight planets have been causing significant pressure in this area of life and consequently, you may have felt the need to isolate yourself from the groups you associate with or felt impelled to make changes within them. Whether the politics have been unbearable or you’ve had to deal with over-powering egos, the past two years has seen dysfunction in these associations which has stimulated you to think differently about what you want for the future. Your friendship groups may have undergone a similar journey with clashes of egos or political battles. General hardships and losses experienced by a friend may have also affected you personally. The dysfunction and challenges you’ve observed in your external networks have perhaps mirrored an internal rumbling of disatisfaction within you, causing you to restructure your goals for the future in light of what you’ve seen in the past two years.
The conjunction of Saturn and Pluto will stimulate you to bring about new structures in the way you connect socially. Finding your right tribe and surrounding yourself with a supportive crew will be the foundation upon which you build a new way of life. This new structure will be sustainable and authentic enough to help you connect to the goals and dreams that you have.
As you await the new Saturn-Pluto cycle in the next few days, reflect on a time 38 years ago when the current Saturn-Pluto cycle emerged in Libra. Think of what new structures were established then that has held you until now. If you were too young, think of what new structures around your parents’ lives that impacted on your life. Give it thanks, release and let it rest. It’s time for a new 38-year journey that you can design for yourself, with more clarity and consciousness.
about author

Hi, I’m Shu.
As a professional astrologer with nearly 20 years of study, I do more than read charts for clients. I embody astrological lore in my every day life as a grower, beekeeper, mother, art hobbyist and planetary magic dabbler. Guiding, translating, writing, timing, observing, crafting, counselling and teaching are all things I do bring astrology to the world.
If you find yourself in a transitional state of dynamic change where an objective perspective could be helpful, or if you’re simply a seeking purpose and authenticity, astrology could be an invaluable tool for you.
If you find yourself in a transitional state of dynamic change where an objective perspective could be helpful, or if you’re simply a seeking purpose and authenticity, astrology could be an invaluable tool for you.