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Interpsycle Observator: 7 August – 13 August 2023

by | Aug 6, 2023 | Interpsycle Observator, Latest Posts | 4 comments

Transit dates
  • 7 Aug     Sun square Jupiter
  • 9 Aug     Venus square Uranus
  • 10 Aug   Mercury trine Jupiter
  • 13 Aug   Sun conjunct Venus (Venus Inferior Cazimi)

All dates are stated in Universal Time (UT 0:00hrs). Please adjust for your timezone.

We’re heading into one of the most eventful weeks of the current Venus Retrograde phase with significant Venus aspect stories involving Uranus and Jupiter taking place, as well as the new Venus in Leo cycle starting by the end of the week.

The Sun and Venus are forming into a conjunction in Leo (13 Aug), inaugurating a new 584-day Venus cycle. This week, we’re essentially experiencing a Venus New Year, as opposed to the Solar New Year (approx 360 days) that we’re usually accustomed to based on the Gregorian calendar. But compared to the Solar/Gregorian calendar, the Venus cycle is much more symmetrical and ordered, and doesn’t require leap years to be added in. Venus cycles start in five signs of the Zoidion (Leo, Aries, Scorpio, Gemini and Capricorn) in a particular sequence that, if drawn out, forms the shape of a five-pointed pentagram.

But despite the inconsistencies with the Solar calendar, the Venus-Earth and Sun-Earth systems are intricately linked through the Golden Ratio (1.618). The Venus:Solar year (584 days : 365 days = 1.6), the Solar orbits of Earth and Venus (365 days : 225 days = 1.6) and the Venus cycles occurring in all five signs taking eight Earth years to complete (8:5 = 1.6) are some examples of the special relationship of beauty, form and proportion that we on Earth share with Venus and the Sun. And to this, our human form is also richly structured to the Golden Mean with many of our bodily proportions equating to the 1.618 ratio. So acknowledging and celebrating the Venus cycle is more than just a theoretical exercise – it’s an intrinsic and subtle re-connection to the structure of our living world.

So based on the ratio of the Venus star, this week we are finalising the last few days of the five cycles of Venus that commenced eight years ago in Leo and about to start a new 5-cycle / 8-year event again, commencing 13 August 2023.

Each of the signs that Venus begins her cycle in has a distinct zeitgeist for that 584 days. But of all the five signs that Venus initiates her new cycle in, this one in Leo is most strongly linked to your individuation process. As a collective, the next 584 days is a journey towards Self-understanding and Self-honouring as we all prioritise the goals of making our lives a truer reflection of our inner essence. Think back to August 2015 – did events or situations in life change your identity and sense of self in any way? Perhaps an identity crisis of sorts? A questioning of who you are and what you do? A need to express yourself in a more accurate way? There’s something about the Venus in Leo cycle that wants us to be seen in the light that we see ourselves. So if something has been suppressing your light, then this is the year when that lion or lioness builds up the courage to roar in full glory. 

If you’ve been feeling a strong moral obligation to infuse the statement of yourself into what you do in your everyday lifestyle, work and way of being, you are probably aligning with this much-anticipated and powerful Venus Sun Cazimi effect. Leo’s fixed fire quality infuses this Venus cycle with creativity, visual imagery and aesthetics, divine will, spiritual inspiration and a powerful creative force to help you freely and unashamedly express who you truly are. It’s quite common for this cycle to bring people closer towards their creative aspirations or to uncover latent artistic skills. It’s as though the lights have just come on and you realise you don’t need to be living in the cold and dark all the time. Visibility and being acknowledged or heard is a priority.

If you’re born during the following periods, then you’ll be coming into a special Venus year – technically called the Venus Synodic Return. You might like to consider my signature Venus Lifetime Analysis reading that maps out the Venus cycle throughout your life and helps you live out your future Venus cycles with more consciousness.

  • September 1959 – April 1961
  • August 1967 – March 1969
  • August 1975 – March 1977
  • August 1983 – March 1985
  • August 1991 – March 1993
  • August 1999 – March 2001

The squares that Sun makes to Jupiter (7 Aug) and Venus makes to Uranus (9 Aug) this week reinforces the great reset taking place. Both Jupiter and Uranus are the great awakeners that can bring sudden disruptions and new thought in flashes of radical insights. Venus is making her second of three squares to Uranus during the retrograde phase which is bringing forth a story that commenced on 2 July, which might have had something to do with relationship reframes, the forging of new partnerships or new social, financial or creative attitudes. This week, Venus’ square with Uranus may reinstate some of the sentiments of that week on 2 July, and allow any unnecessary ‘baggage’ to be left behind before the new cycle begins. After all, these are the final and most cathartic last days of the current Venus cycle  where reflections, processing and purging are top priority. Think back to early July and make sure you do the necessary housekeeping on those matters, that is unless you want to infuse that energy into the next 8 years.

Mercury trines Jupiter (10 Aug) which should be a great day for big ideas and plans to hatch. Mercury is on point being in its own sign of Virgo, so make use of mental clarity, communicative ability, social networking, business deals, transactions, emails, correspondences and exchanges. The trine with Jupiter will add a positive spin to all of these ‘Mercantile’ areas. It will also be a good day to ask for what you want, as Jupiter will help to bring affirmations and support. If you thought you hit a stumbling block with a problem last week, in particular a mental or problem solving issue, then this week’s Mercury Jupiter trine might help to resolve this as answers start to flow in. Therefore, this will be a good day to ask questions – either of others, or to yourself. If not answers, then ideas will be in plenty which will at least lead you to your next step.

Above all else, the Mercury Jupiter trine could be a super-conductor for insights to help wrap up your final thoughts on the Venus cycle as it draws to an end. Use it to get clear about what you want to consciously invite in over the next 584 days, as well as the next 8 years. The more attention we offer these thought spirits, the more they will come into relationship with us.

If you’re magically inclined, you may also consider a Venus prayer on the Friday morning at sunrise to conjure up the spirit of Venus to assist with your intentions for the new Venus cycle. Use sweet smelling incense, offerings of flowers and sweet foods and the seal of Venus to anchor in her spirit. The following prayer from the Hygromanteia is an effective one:

In the name of the most supreme God, in his most desirable name, I conjure you, most harmonious, most beautiful and most fair Lady Venus, who lies in valour, and in the might of love, who tortures the human flesh from within. 

O Venus, who rules over passion and distributes love, most comely Venus, who leads every yearning in the hearts of men and women and moves the entrails of people; O lady, crowned with the wreath of love, I beseech you for your power, in order to torture the people I want and make them fall under my feet. I conjure you, Venus, by God, who created you and placed you in the heavens. 

I conjure you by the seal that is in your heart, by your wreath, by your heaven, and in your following names: Montoaran, Maugoran, Ktioel, Pyrgeton, Lioikon, Ikarizi, Iakor, Ladokon, Parinos, Phrektiouz, Phaloumpol, Kraipophon, Alleopon, Estoge, Iaseph, Zaglytai, Krigenos, Ooulan. 

In your above names, do not disobey me, but to grant your grace and your virtue in the work I am going to attempt [state your intentions for the new Venus cycle]. Turn back your foul fortune from me. Bring me only good fortune. 


Happy Venus New Year!

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I hope you find this information useful for your week ahead. Feel free to share your experiences and observations of the week in the comments below as this will help us bridge our understanding of the macrocosm and the microcosm of our lives.

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See you next Sunday for the next installment of planetary news.

Shu xx


  1. Jodie Arrington

    This was an amazing edition of the Observator. These blogs are always an enlightening learning experience for me and I appreciate your teachings and wisdom and look forward to these every week. Thank you Shu. You are a blessing.

    • Angela

      This was great Shu, thank you!! I was born in one of those dates and I will book a reading with you for sure. Thank you again for your insights, this Venus cycle is so beautiful and deep, I am in awe. Happy New Venus Year!

      • Shu Yap

        Thanks Angela. Yes, i’m blown away every time I look into anyone’s Venus cycle! See you soon!

    • Shu Yap

      Thanks Jodie, so glad you’re still reading these and I love hearing from you too!

about author

Hi, I’m Shu.

As a professional astrologer with nearly 20 years of study, I do more than read charts for clients. I embody astrological lore in my every day life as a grower, beekeeper, mother, art hobbyist and a dabbler of planetary magic. Guiding, translating, writing, timing, observing, crafting, counselling and teaching are all things I do to bring astrology to the world.

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