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Interpsycle Observator: 14 Nov – 20 Nov 2022

by | Nov 13, 2022 | Interpsycle Observator | 5 comments

One of the greatest things during the Venus Underworld phase right now is that Venus and Mercury become close travel buddies. When the pair come together for approximately one month, they create magic in whatever form you work with. These creative playmates amplify each others’ strengths and talents, primarily with themes of connection, social cohesion, artistic and musical flair and communication. Venus brings form and beauty, while Mercury offers tactical, hands-on ability. 

This week, Venus and Mercury finalise their stay in Scorpio and invite in the upcoming Sagittarius season when they change signs on 16 and 17 November. They move from a trine with Jupiter on 15 and 16 November, then into Jupiter’s homesign of Sagittarius (16 and 17 Nov).

The influence of Jupiter on the Venus Mercury conjunction brings much-needed grace, chance and positivity. Venus and Mercury rise up from the muddy caves and see the bright blue skies for the first time in a while. Thought they may have escaped their underworld lair yet, their vision is restored and new inspiration stokes their fires of creation. You may feel an extra bounce in your stride this week as the essence of Jupiter starts to filter down over Venus and Mercury. If you’ve been searching for that ‘light at the end of the tunnel’, this week could provide that glimmer of hope you’ve been searching for. If Venus or Mercury is your timelord this year, you could feel this sense of imminent emergence quite powerfully. But in general, everyone can expect to feel this shift to a degree, so it’s a great time to acknowledge the very intense past couple of months you’ve just journeyed through and to look upwards with gratitude.

With this, the Sun is also travelling with Venus and Mercury, though starting to fall behind as the creative pair race ahead to their peak. Falling behind suggests a moving away from solar qualities, like your ego consciousness. In order for you to rise to the next level, something about your perception of your ideal goals must be left behind for the time being. Perhaps you might have been motivated by what others think or by what society expects you should be doing, rather than what your internal muses are persuading you to do.  The Sun’s trine with Neptune (15 Nov) and sextile with Pluto (19 Nov) shows that there are greater forces helping you to transcend the apparent safety of your ego mind, and giving you more permission to step outside of the ‘trends’ and into your own unique light. 

The Third Quarter Moon in Leo (16 Nov) will also help you to turn away from something that’s been difficult to let go of, possibly due to your sense of pride or protection against shame. As the Moon wanes from its recent eclipse last week, it also closes down a wave of intensity that’s been building for the past month. Allow the transmutation to continue working on you, better days are just around the corner.

We end the week with that second Mars Neptune square (20 Nov) which I introduced on the 12th October. This is a longer narrative that we will see unfold over the remaining five months of its course. Apart from weakness (immunity, physically, mentally), tiredness and weariness, you may also find challenges with staying grounded and focused. This week, we have the second wave of this aspect which could bring  feelings of helplessness, victimisation, martyrdom, overwhelm and issues of escapism through unhealthy indulgences with your vices and addictions.

As mentioned in my previous treatment of Mars Neptune, the advice is to get plenty of rest and self care this week. Don’t try to push too hard but rather, stay in the dream, service or creative spaces.

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See you next Sunday for the next installment of planetary news.

Shu xx


  1. Joh

    I hope you recover well Shu. Thank you for your posts, I find them super helpful.

  2. Roxanne Kennedy

    Thank you Shu, as always so incredibly spot on and helpful. Especially the knowledge of the Sun falling behind Mercury & Venus and all the messages there. Be well soon, Covid is no fun, take it easy.

  3. Ali Jane Rose

    Thank you Shu for sharing your helpful, supportive, generous insights, especially when you are not well. Wishing you a speedy, strong recovery.

  4. Angela

    Thank you Shu, as always. Waiting for this shift in the Sagittarius energy.
    Recover and be well as soon as possible 🙏

  5. Caroline

    wishing you well asap for you , shu , its miserable being ill. I too have been taken poorly . you are on point again.

    look after yourself and take more time off : big hug

about author

Hi, I’m Shu.

As a professional astrologer with nearly 20 years of study, I do more than read charts for clients. I embody astrological lore in my every day life as a grower, beekeeper, mother, art hobbyist and a dabbler of planetary magic. Guiding, translating, writing, timing, observing, crafting, counselling and teaching are all things I do to bring astrology to the world.

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