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Interpsycle Observator: 21 Feb – 27 Feb 2022

by | Feb 14, 2022 | Interpsycle Observator

Quote of the week

To the occultist, birth is death and death is an awakening.

― Manly P. Hall

things to do this week
  • Keep an eye out for the elderly in your community

  • Use Saturn’s energy to expel energetic attachments, clean out the cupboards, remove pests and weeds, prune your plants or get a haircut

  • Keep on planning for the long term and think of how you can do more with less

  • Use the Third Quarter Moon to help you close off some issues / events / projects from mid-2021

  • Get plenty of fresh air and space in order to avoid communication faux-pas around 25 February

Transit dates
  • 21 Feb   Saturn morning rise
  • 22 Feb   Moon square Mercury & Saturn
  • 23 Feb   Moon conjunct South Node
  • 24 Feb  Third Quarter Moon in Sagittarius
  • 25 Feb  Mercury square Uranus

All dates in Australian Eastern Daylight Time (+11GMT) – Please adjust for your time zone

Date: 21 February – 27 February 2022

Saturn, the planet of contraction, boundaries and duty makes its Morning Heliacal Rise on Monday 21 Feb, setting a somber, serious tone for the week as it first starts to become visible in the morning sky at sunrise. The emphasis on Saturn’s first visible light could make you feel the call of duty, the weight of burdens, the somber aspects of life or the restricting force of limitations strongly this week. The word ‘no’ might be featured more frequently in our vocabulary this week as with the elderly in our communities. 

If you’d like to embrace this Saturnian energy more productively, you could try focusing on long, arduous tasks that require stamina and concentration. Traditionally, agriculture, stonework, building and formwork were Saturnian jobs. Mars is still in Capricorn (Saturn’s domain) and will help keep motivation levels high. Saturn rules endings so its reductionist quality could also be used to expel energetic attachments, clean out the cupboards, remove pests and weeds, pruning your plants or get a haircut. See this month’s Moon Gardening Calendar as discussed on Main FM’s Dig It gardening show last week.

The Moon’s hard aspects to Mercury, Saturn then the South Node in the following two days further beats to the Saturn drum. I encourage you to continue using Mercury in Aquarius energy to do some strategic planning (discussed last week) and possibly ramping this up on 22-23 February as the Moon makes its exact square to Saturn where your abilities in refinement, discernment and pragmatism around your future vision could be higher than usual. The connection to the South Node could suggest a quality of reducing, consolidating, removing or decreasing related to your long term planning ideas so think about how you can do more with less in the future.

On 26 May last year (2021) there was a Total Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius – an epic Full Moon revealing shifts in our perceptions, our views on the world and our beliefs. Can you recall what was happening for you personally at this time? In the world, this was the time of vaccine rollouts amidst the rampant spread of the Delta variant of Covid-19 and thousands of Covid-related deaths in India. Talks of future vaccine mandates and exclusion policies for the unvaccinated were being discussed. Lockdowns were still imposed in many parts of the world.

The Third Quarter Moon in Sagittarius this week will hit this Total Lunar Eclipse point. Generally, we tend to review and process our internal emotions and thoughts at every Third Quarter Moon phase and given that this occurs at the exact point of the May eclipse last year suggests that those events or any personal events of that time could be the content of your deep processing this week.

In fact, the broader Sagittarius/Gemini eclipse story (read about it in my previous article), will be up for review and you may feel an internal crisis stewing about where you stand with your beliefs and values.  

What the Third Quarter Moon asks of you is to let go of something, to turn your back or release something your ego is desperately clinging on to.  This can sometimes be relieving and other times, painful. Ask yourself the question – is this really serving my greater good? Or am I  holding onto something out of habit or security?  Use this Third Quarter Moon as your personal invitation to move away from your 2021 self. It may also involve moving on from projects, people, relationships or other personal events happening around mid-2021 or considering some kind of succession plan for them. Now that the Nodes have shifted into Taurus and Scorpio, there are new lessons to learn and areas in which to evolve. Work on finding closure this week if you’re feeling this transit.

Remember what was happening on the 14/15 January? This is linked to the final Mercury Uranus square that’s also happening this week. Did you experience any technical issues, communication or travel related issues, significant activities around business transactions, sudden revelation of ideas and insights or unforeseen disruptions in life? These are all possibilities indicated by the combination of Mercury and Uranus. This final Mercury Uranus square will also feel like a resolution or closing the loop in some way. 

As Mercury rules communication, it’s square to Uranus will likely amplify that which is authentically aligned to you. Watch your communication this week, especially the 25 February, because Uranus has no filter and a sometimes obnoxious attitude, so this could be reflected in the things you say, write, etc. Even though you’re speaking your truth from a place of authenticity, remember that tact, grace and respect should always be a given. Give yourself (and Mercury) plenty of fresh air and space to circulate in, as this will help keep the sudden spikes of Uranian energy as stable as possible. In particular, watch what happens on social media this day – I expect to find things that could be particularly offensive, exclusive, unexpected or inappropriate. Try not to react if you get offended because Mercury and Uranus are detached, unemotional and the cosmic tricksters. Their style is light-hearted and swift in nature, so try and see the fun and excitement in it, then move on. This aspect ends this week with a contrasting quality to all the heavy Saturnian energy this week.

Take care of yourself and your nervous system.

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See you next Sunday for the next installment of planetary news.

Shu xx


about author

Hi, I’m Shu.

As a professional astrologer with nearly 20 years of study, I do more than read charts for clients. I embody astrological lore in my every day life as a grower, beekeeper, mother, art hobbyist and a dabbler of planetary magic. Guiding, translating, writing, timing, observing, crafting, counselling and teaching are all things I do bring astrology to the world.

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