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Farewell to the Cancer / Capricorn Eclipses

by | Jun 17, 2020 | Educational, Forecast | 2 comments

As we head into the last Cancer and Capricorn Eclipses until 2027/2028, it’s good to do a retrospective on what has happened under their influences over the past two years. To me, if the Cancer / Capricorn story line could be personified, Greta Thunberg would be the candidate.

Greta Thunberg acts out the archetypal nature of this eclipse series quite strikingly. She attacked political and economic inaction on environmental loss (Capricorn South Node Eclipses), demanding greater protection of humanity’s home (Cancer North Node Eclipses). This journey for her commenced when she began a global movement by skipping school in protest for climate action in August 2018, just after the first Cancer Eclipse of the series.

In previous articles, I’ve explained that eclipses are either South or North Node eclipses. The nature of the South Node is one of decrease, while the North Node is of an increasing quality.

In this series, the South Node Capricorn Eclipses have been dissolving all that Capricorn symbolises, like structures, foundations, boundaries, governments, corporations and economies. Examples over this period include Trump’s impeachment, anti-governmental protests in Hong Kong, a global recession, corporations folding, major disasters such as the Amazon and Australian bushfires and the volcano eruption in NZ (Capricorn is of the earth element).

On the contrary, the North Node Cancer Eclipses have raised our connection to all Cancerian topics like home, family, ancestry, protectionism and the masses. Think about imposed home isolation, increasing time with family (for better or worse), race tribalism, increased scrutiny of police conduct (archetypally, Cancerians need to protect making policing an appropriate profession), a magnification of ancestral and heritage issues through the destruction of sacred aboriginal sites and trees, a growing collective tribe against systemic racism. Think about how Thunberg gained mass support for her school strike action which commenced on the first Cancer Eclipse in 2018.

When we view the world through the symbolic language of astrology and archetypal imagery, at times, the connection between metaphors and real events can be so literal, as seen here:

What has the Capricorn/Cancer Eclipses revealed to you?

These final two eclipses are potent ones, especially the New Moon Eclipse in Cancer at the Winter / Summer Solstice. We all have a Greta Thunberg acting out in some area of our lives since mid-2018 and it’s all about to come to a final resolution this month. We can all do a little retrospective on our lives, pertaining to our houses ruled by Cancer and Capricorn and how we’ve experienced an increase in matters of the home/family/ancestry in one house, compared to a decrease in structures, foundations and boundaries in the opposite house.

Reflect on what structures / foundations you’ve moved away from? How have you been urged to reconnect with your family, ancestry and your overall sense of belonging? A journey that started mid-2018 is about to be resolved or relieved from your mind.

Eclipses are the dragons that reside within us. They lead us on journeys that tests our relationship to our earthly desires that keep us bonded here (eg. our job, money, homes, relationships, hobbies, friends, posessions, activities, family, friends, etc). So, it’s common that during eclipse times, we come to question what and why we’re doing whatever it is that we do. We may also experience the idea of loss and gain in intense ways, often at the mercy of the dragon’s fate. Ultimately, our dragons aim to connect us to our own divinity, so that we can transcend all the things that keep us tied to this material world. Through patterns of loss and gain, we learn to overcome our hunger for the material, and be satiated by the spiritual truths hidden within this matter.

As I reflect on the dragon’s journey through the Cancer/Capricorn songline, my prayer is that humanity can come together as one tribe to dissolve the borders and structures that segregate land and skin while honouring ancestral presence.

Dates of Cancer & Capricorn Eclipses to help you reflect on your journey

  • 13 July 2018               Cancer North Node Eclipse
  • 6 January 2019          Capricorn South Node Eclipse
  • 2 July 2019                 Cancer North Node Eclipse
  • 16 July 2019               Capricorn South Node Eclipse
  • 26 December 2019   Capricorn South Node Eclipse
  • 10 January 2020        Cancer North Node Eclipse
  • 21 June 2020              Cancer North Node Eclipse
  • 5 July 2020                 Capricorn South Node Eclipse



  1. Cat

    Thanks Shu! So wonderful to read these insights and overview through your astrological eyes. This helps to bring greater meaning and context to the big things that are happening in the world and also for personal change and shifts within my own little world.

    • Shu Yap

      Thanks for reading Cat. I can certainly see the north node cancer pull towards your home! Look forward to talking more about it soon, my Capricorn bones are under destruction atm!!

about author

Hi, I’m Shu.

As a professional astrologer with nearly 20 years of study, I do more than read charts for clients. I embody astrological lore in my every day life as a grower, beekeeper, mother, art hobbyist and planetary magic dabbler. Guiding, translating, writing, timing, observing, crafting, counselling and teaching are all things I do bring astrology to the world.

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