a home dedicated to my musings on astrological lore

Interpsycle Observator: 9 December – 15 December 2024

One encounter that you might experience with the Mars Retrograde story is that of relationships and social values, which might be felt strongly this week as the planet of relationships Venus opposes Mars (12 Dec). If last week’s Mars Retrograde had you commit to any significant stance or commitments, especially if it had something to do with asserting your viewpoint or ‘individuating’, then this week might see the impacts of your decision on areas like your interpersonal relationships, self esteem, social values and/or finances. In other words, the ‘fair weather’ life that Venus often brings is being hit by the divisive Mars energy, resulting in ill-tempered moods, acrimony and a little more tension in the air.

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Interpsycle Observator: 2 December – 8 December 2024

What a big week in the skies! As you can see from the list of transits perfecting this week, there is plenty happening. However, the Mars Retrograde Station (7 Dec) is the main event which will mark a significant turning point in life since October. You may recall that after the eclipse season in October, I had written about the next six months being a distinct new chapter.

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Interpsycle Observator: 25 November – 1 December 2024

It’s a compact week with only three notable transits occurring. The main story for this week is the Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius (26 Nov) which will be moving in this backward illusion for the next 20 days. If you’ve found it difficult to focus your attention lately, it might have had something to do with Mercury moving over the degrees in which it will now return to. Sagittarius is not a friendly place for Mercury, hence this Mercury Retrograde period might cause some obvious issues to do with the mind, your communication, travels, transactions and details. Be careful of silly mistakes or saying things that you might regret later. A sluggish, distracted mind could be cause for many unfinished things around you. Slowing down physically and mentally is always a good way to protect yourself from potential harm caused by Mercury Retrograde. It’s a good time to take a mental break from the everyday tasks. Also try to focus on finishing past projects and tying up loose ends rather than to start anything new.

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Interpsycle Observator: 18 November – 24 November 2024

The new era is officially cemented into our reality with Pluto finally making its permanent move into Aquarius (20 Nov). If you’ve been following the astrology of the past couple of years, you might have heard that Pluto has been moving back and forth between the fringes of Capricorn and Aquarius since March 2023. With one foot stuck in the old world and the other foot dipping into the unknown path ahead, we’ve all witnessed the anxious uncertainty of our emerging times and the consequences of the old world demanding closure. Since March 2023, we’ve had a glimpse of the new era through new technologies, shifts in global collective alliances, reorganisation of bureaucratic structures and the changing dynamics of power between nations.

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about author

Hi, I’m Shu.

As a professional astrologer with nearly 20 years of study, I do more than read charts for clients. I embody astrological lore in my every day life as a grower, beekeeper, mother, art hobbyist and a dabbler of planetary magic. Guiding, translating, writing, timing, observing, crafting, counselling and teaching are all things I do bring astrology to the world.

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