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Interpsycle Observator: 31 Jan – 6 Feb 2022
Planetary transits of 31 Jan – 6 Feb 2022

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April 2025: Finding the Water-Fire Balance
By now, Neptune has entered Aries—a fiery, choleric sign it hasn’t visited since 1861. This oceanic planet will remain in Aries for the next 14 years, until it wades into the green pastures of Taurus in 2039. Take a look at the house ruled by Aries in your natal chart, and imagine what the blend of fire and water might look like in this area of your life.
Water and fire have a fascinating relationship—equal parts love, hate, and co-dependency. Both are essential to life, providing the moisture and heat we need to grow and thrive. But when imbalanced, the result is either boiling water or smothered flames—states that are inhospitable and unsustainable. As Neptune settles into Aries, the challenge will be learning to harmonise these elements over the coming 14 years.
March 2025: Eclipses, Retrogrades and Revelations
March arrives as one of the most eventful months of the year, stirring your inner world into a powerful journey of self-discovery. This is a time when darker themes emerge—not to haunt you, but to heal, even if the process feels hellish at times. Subconscious patterns, repressed emotions, and long-buried shadows rise to the surface, asking for recognition and release. The energy of this month urges you to slow down, reflect, and confront the hidden sides of your behavior with courage and honesty.
Interpsycle Observator: February 2025
There’s a lot I like about February. It certainly favours those with fixed sign placements (Aquarius, Leo, Taurus, Scorpio) while the rest of the signs will be actively receiving the month’s major planetary influences with mixed effects.

Standing still with the Moon
All about the Lunar Standstill observation and ceremonial event that we held on our property on 12th January 2025
Interpsycle Observator: Final Days of 2024
Remember back in mid-November, I mentioned that Mercury was going on a two month journey with Saturn and Jupiter. That journey is now ending and it’s good to go back and pull out a couple of paragraphs that I wrote in anticipation of the Jupiter-Saturn-Mercury configuration that’s finalising this week (25-27 Dec).
Interpsycle Observator: 9 December – 15 December 2024
One encounter that you might experience with the Mars Retrograde story is that of relationships and social values, which might be felt strongly this week as the planet of relationships Venus opposes Mars (12 Dec). If last week’s Mars Retrograde had you commit to any significant stance or commitments, especially if it had something to do with asserting your viewpoint or ‘individuating’, then this week might see the impacts of your decision on areas like your interpersonal relationships, self esteem, social values and/or finances. In other words, the ‘fair weather’ life that Venus often brings is being hit by the divisive Mars energy, resulting in ill-tempered moods, acrimony and a little more tension in the air.
Interpsycle Observator: 2 December – 8 December 2024
What a big week in the skies! As you can see from the list of transits perfecting this week, there is plenty happening. However, the Mars Retrograde Station (7 Dec) is the main event which will mark a significant turning point in life since October. You may recall that after the eclipse season in October, I had written about the next six months being a distinct new chapter.
about author

Hi, I’m Shu.
As a professional astrologer with nearly 20 years of study, I do more than read charts for clients. I embody astrological lore in my every day life as a grower, beekeeper, mother, art hobbyist and a dabbler of planetary magic. Guiding, translating, writing, timing, observing, crafting, counselling and teaching are all things I do bring astrology to the world.
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If you find yourself in a transitional state of dynamic change where an objective perspective could be helpful, or if you’re simply a seeking purpose and authenticity, astrology could be an invaluable tool for you.