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The Sacred Numbers of Venus

by | Apr 27, 2020 | Educational

Venus is a sensual planet, ruling over the affairs of love, beauty, fertility and creativity. This year, she is spending a prolonged period of time in the logical sign of Gemini. This is not exactly a comfortable place for Venus, who would prefer an affectionate rather than a mental connection.

To honour Venus’ long journey through Gemini, I thought it would be interesting to share with you the sacred mathematics behind Venus’ cycle. Yes, she even manages to make numbers beautiful!

The Golden Ratio

The golden ratio can be seen in geometry, nature, art, architecture and virtually everywhere we look. The proportions of the golden ratio – 1.618 –  were considered to be the most beautiful to the aesthetic eye.

When we compare the cycle of Venus around the Sun (225 days) with the cycle of Earth around the Sun (365 days), we can see that this equates closely to the golden ratio (225:365 = 1.62).

When we compare the Venus-Earth cycle (584 days) with the Sun-Earth cycle (365 days), we can again see the golden ratio represented (365:584 = 1.6).

Fellow Australian astrologer, Michelle Finey, wrote in her book, “The Sacred Dance of Venus and Mars”, about the important symbiotic relationship between Venus, Earth and the Sun which is reflected in their sacred proportions.

“While Venus symbolises beauty and fertility, the planet itself is hostile to life. Only on planet Earth can we experience the beauty of nature that Venus symbolises.”

So, it’s no coincidence that the goddess of love and beauty in her symbiotic relationship to the Sun and Earth, are proportioned to the golden ratio in their cycles together, and reflected across Earth’s natural world, as well as art, architecture and many other creative forms as symbolised by the Sun. Take a look at these examples:

Venus, Earth and 5:8

There seems to be a recurrence of the numbers 5 and 8 related to the Venus-Earth relationship. Of course, 5:8 are consecutive numbers in the Fibonacci sequence, equaling to the golden ratio of 1.6.

Again, as stated above, the orbits of Venus and Earth around the Sun is 225:365 or 5:8.

Venus goes retrograde 5 times every 8 years. The retrograde phase occurs when a planet appears to be moving backwards from Earth’s perspective. It is the point in which that planet has the closest proximity to Earth, and symbolically represents a descent into the underworld.

For every 8 Earth years, there are 5 Venus years around the Sun.

Venus and the number 5

Venus is also connected to the number 5. There are five physical senses which Venus rules – sight, sound, smell, touch and taste.

When Venus goes retrograde 5 times every 8 years, she creates a pattern in her orbital path which resembles a 5-petaled rosette.

In music which is ruled by Venus, two strings (eg. violin string) played together where the length of one string is two thirds longer than the other, is called a fifth chord which is considered to be harmonious. The ratio between these two lengths is also the golden ratio.

The lover’s knot is a knot tied in the form of a pentagram, which is associated by Venus or Ishtar the Babylonian version.

Venus in Gemini

Venus entered into Gemini on the 4th April, will station retrograde on the 13th May then stations direct on the 25th June before leaving into the next sign of Cancer on the 8th August. This 20-week stay in Gemini is quite unique, given Venus usually spends only around 5 weeks in each sign.

I have another article planned soon for a deeper dive into the meaning of Venus in Gemini, especially in relation to her retrograde phase and the unique eight year Venus patterns we can see in our personal lives. Stay tuned!

While I’ve only scratched the surface of the complexity of Venus’ sacred geometry, I hope this article has given you a little insight into the interconnections of our earthly existence to the wider cosmology from a very Gemini-style perspective. Try to see these patterns as you go about your daily travels and send through anything you find – I’d love to see them!


about author

Hi, I’m Shu.

As a professional astrologer with nearly 20 years of study, I do more than read charts for clients. I embody astrological lore in my every day life as a grower, beekeeper, mother, art hobbyist and planetary magic dabbler. Guiding, translating, writing, timing, observing, crafting, counselling and teaching are all things I do bring astrology to the world.

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