Following last week’s Saturn Retrograde phase, we have a Neptune Retrograde this week. What does this mean? Probably a whole lot of contradictions and confusion from what you’ve read last week! Both Saturn and Neptune are mismatched bedfellows – there’s not many planetary pairs that are this polarised. Saturn is all about structure, form, boundaries and discipline while Neptune is intangible, impressionable, nebulous and whimsical.

Since March 2023, Saturn and Neptune have been in the same sign of Pisces. Over a three year period, this incongruous couple will edge closer together until they finally make an exact conjunction in February 2026, symbolising their union in the initiating sign of Aries. Right now, we’re just over the second year of this three-year process of merging our own inner contradictions. What’s happening at a greater level is that we’re being encouraged to resolve opposing forces within ourselves. This may look like having two important desires that might be difficult to pursue without sacrificing the other. Or perhaps it’s being in a state of disbelief that you could reconcile two such polarising goals together.

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