Tensions could be on the verge of boiling over this week in a very Mars inspired sky. We start the week off with a big bang when Mars conjuncts Uranus right on the same degree as the fixed star, Algol. This trio is as volatile as they come so expect to see some explosive, noisy and rambunctious energies (which probably started over the weekend). The common trait between all three is violence, accidents and strife.

The good news is that the heat of Mars is very much being tempered down, being in the cool earth sign of Taurus and receiving a sextile from watery Neptune. We might not see the outwardly explosive nature of Mars that we would expect, however, this doesn’t mean the level of spice is reduced. Rather, you may feel the presence of Mars between your teeth as you grind your frustrations away or see inflammation beneath your skin seeking ways to escape. So while things might have a lid on it, one would question whether it’s healthier to find ways to not have that lid on at all. It’s a double edged sword, and you’re probably ‘damned if you do or damned if you don’t’.

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