Following on the volatile Mars-Uranus-Algol stellium last week, the strong fire energy continues into this week. Mars will make contact with the Sun and Pluto this week, and although the heat will remain, it seems much more productive if the fire can be channelled in the right way.

Leo season starts at the beginning of this week with the Sun entering its own sign of Leo (22 Jul). There’s usually a sense of uplifting brightness and positivity when the Sun makes its annual return to his home. However, now that Pluto has entered Aquarius and staying in this zone for the next 20 years, every Leo season will be injected with the penetrating depth of Pluto at the opposition point every time the Sun enters its home sign. We may see the optimism of the Lion’s essence diminish as a result. Pluto’s intimidating gaze from afar might cause paranoia, insecurity and apprehension to enter into the Lion’s positive outlook.

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