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November 2020 Astrology Forecast: Part 1

by | Nov 5, 2020 | Forecast

While the worst of the 2020 transits are behind us, November brings only a temporary relief as the wandering planets regroup to deliver a mentally exhaustive Lunar Eclipse by the end of the month. As with all eclipses, we can usually feel the intensity and uncertainty that they are known for in the month leading up to them.  

Therefore, even though the first of the eclipses won’t occur until 30th November, expect to feel all the eclipse emotions NOW. This includes deep questioning of purpose, agitation, restlessness, anxiety, inflamed emotions, inter-relational conflicts, confronting realisations – all on cue to move you closer to your authenticity and spiritual purpose in whatever natal houses the eclipses are activating for you.

Tensions in relationships throughout November

Underlying the eclipse energy are many subtle tones this month, of which one is relationships. Venus starts the month with a confronting encounter with our deep wounds via Chiron (2nd Nov), then makes oppositions with Mars (10th Nov) and Uranus (28th Nov); both of which have a separative quality to their natures. There is a sense of distance, isolation, selfishness, confrontations and impulsiveness with Mars and Uranus looking directly at Venus from the opposing side, which could look like contests, battles and polarising perspectives between people. Spending some time alone this month could prevent hurtful or regrettable exchanges with loved ones, especially on these key dates – 2nd, 10th, 28th Nov.

Communication obstacles – first week of November

This first week of November brings a strong Mercurial theme as Mercury stations direct on the 4th November, making squares with Saturn on each side of it. The two Mercury Saturn squares occurring in one week points to a period of serious thought construction, accounting for responsibilities, sombering diplomacy and regulations of boundaries and limits. This week will be great for concentration and patience around frustrating matters, especially after Mercury stations direct on the 4th November. Mercury’s rulership of communication in conflict with the walls that Saturn puts up can make you feel as though your message is not getting through to people, testing your patience and perseverance immensely. Use the time that Mercury is in Libra to maximise diplomacy and harmonious negotiations. Because, when Mercury enters Scorpio on the 11th November, you’re likely to indulge in more forceful communicative styles to ensure your message ‘cuts through’ to deaf ears, which could ruffle a few feathers.

Magnified themes of control, power and corruption – second week of November

Storylines of 2020 start to culminate this month, beginning with the last of three Jupiter Pluto conjunctions on the 13th November. This grand plutocratic aspect of booms and busts has seen huge amounts of money being shifted across global economies, whether it be through government bail-outs and social welfare payments to extreme pandemic profiteers and losers. The Jupiterian magnification of all Pluotonic power, control and corruption has been a recurring theme this year, starting with 5th April when these two planets met, continuing on the 30th June with the second conjunction and now coming to a resolution on the 13th November. No doubt we will see some kind of final showdown scene on corruption and exploitative themes within the broader socio-political landscape around this time. Reflect on these dates to see how you’ve traveled on this storyline. Is your boom / bust story about to end? How have themes of power, control, corruption and loss played out for you?

Gaining momentum – second week of November

Finally, at the end of the first fortnight, we see Mars stationing to go direct again, after moving in retrograde motion since 10th September. While it will take some time for Mars to gain speed and strength again, the stationing day – that is 14th November – will make Mars’ presence felt strongly, especially if you have any planets around 15 degrees of cardinal signs (Capricorn, Cancer, Aries, Libra). Any changes in planetary directions often see reversals occurring in our lives where situations literally take a turn in the other way. On this day, we may also feel some kind of resolution to issues that have emerged since Mars entered its shadow period during the week of 26th July.

In the case of Mars, its nature is to energise, sever and individuate through action and effort. So we may feel more inclined to move forward in an area of life that was previously stalling. We may feel more confident to make decisions, speak our minds and cut ties with the things that threaten our growing momentum. Others will feel this too, which may see classic Mars signatures of conflict, ego, selfishness and impulsiveness featured on this day as individuals clash ideologies. Accidents, confrontations, arguments and aggression are also possibilities. With renewed energy, we gain a sense of confidence, action and motivation that’s been lacking for the past nine weeks. This is especially so if you have Mars as a timelord this year where you will notice this time as a significant bookmark in your year. Mars timelord folks will most likely feel re-enegised and relief as their projects start to move forward again. I’d be interested to hear of your Mars direct stories if you have one! For those interested, I cover a comprehensive analysis of your active timelords in my Year-Ahead Forecast sessions.

November Part 2 – Eclipse showdown

Stay tuned for my next installment of the November transits, covering the second half of the month, including a deeper look into the eclipse on the 30th November. For those interested in working proactively with these next eclipses, the Embodied Astrological Activations: Gemini/Sag Eclipses could be of interest to you. I’ve collaborated with meditation and energy guide, Kirsty Saunders to deliver a 4-week program exploring your personal eclipse impacts, rituals and practices through meditative activations timed to planetary alignments to help you transmute with the eclipses with more control and less chaos.



about author

Hi, I’m Shu.

As a professional astrologer with nearly 20 years of study, I do more than read charts for clients. I embody astrological lore in my every day life as a grower, beekeeper, mother, art hobbyist and planetary magic dabbler. Guiding, translating, writing, timing, observing, crafting, counselling and teaching are all things I do bring astrology to the world.

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