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Interpsycle Observator: 3rd June – 9th June 2024

by | Jun 1, 2024 | Interpsycle Observator, Latest Posts

Transit dates

All dates are stated in Universal Time (UT 0:00hrs). Please adjust for your timezone.

  • 3 Jun   Jupiter trine Pluto
  • 3 Jun   Mercury enters Gemini
  • 4 Jun   Mercury trine Pluto
  • 4 Jun   Mercury conjunct Jupiter
  • 4 Jun   Sun conjunct Venus (Superior Cazimi)
  • 8 Jun   Venus square Saturn
  • 9 Jun   Mars enters Taurus
  • 9 Jun   Sun square Saturn

The major event this week is the Sun’s conjunction with Venus (4 Jun), marking the halfway point of the Venus cycle where the Goddess of love and beauty shifts from a morning to an evening star. This week will be particularly significant for anyone with Sun or Venus timelords this year, or any important chart placements in Gemini or Leo.

I’ve posted a 1-hour video on my YouTube channel of a lecture that I pre-recorded for the annual Ishtarfest event this weekend, which delves deeply into the intricacies of this week’s Venus Sun Superior Conjunction. It’s quite a comprehensive look into the meaning of this conjunction and the connections between this week’s events to other times in your life’s biography.

But in essence, let’s cast your mind back to when this cycle started nine months ago. It was August 2023, deep within the Venus Retrograde phase, when the current Venus cycle started in the sign of Leo. At the time, themes of individual truth and self expression were highlighted as a priority. You might have felt a greater urgency to make your life a truer reflection of yourself in how you move around in the world. 

When Venus begins her cycle in Leo every eight years, as it did last August, it initiates an internal process of self-analysis where any gains in self understanding could lead to great shifts in life choices and lifestyle circumstances. If you’ve got strong Leo placements in your natal chart or undergoing a Venus return year (, chances are that your current life circumstances could be significantly transformed right now, as you stand at the halfway mark of this important Venus cycle. Collectively, regardless of any natal chart considerations, this week is an opportunity for all of us to reflect on the nine months that have passed to see how far we’ve come in affirming our true essence in our current situation today. It’s a time to remember what your true creative gifts are, and how much you’re currently able to offer this to the world.

The day of the Venus Sun Conjunction, aka Venus Superior Cazimi (4 Jun), could pass you by without a moment of care. But if you choose to notice the graceful steps of the Goddess as she dances by, she might offer you some guidance in how you can weave more joy and love into your existing life. Her song might inspire you to explore your abandoned creative gifts. She may share her fertile waters from which her roses grow to help you cultivate your deepest desires. Celebrating the milestones of the Venus cycle has been a proven way to bring some serious synchronicities and alignment to your path. If you choose to sanctify this moment, through ritual, meditation or simple attention, you too could enjoy the bounty of Venus. She will meet with the Sun in the sign of Gemini this week, where new ideas and strategies might be formed in this domain of your natal chart. It’s worth checking out what gifts might be on offer here before the Cazimi moment.

Despite the gifts of the Venus Cazimi, she is nevertheless extremely debilitated by the harsh beams of the Sun. This is exacerbated by Venus and the Sun’s square to Saturn (8-9 Jun) which is testing the viability of your choices and actions made over the past nine months. In this process, you could experience some confusion or instability due to Saturn’s position in the shifting waves of Pisces resulting in added pressure on relationship and financial matters, along with challenges in creativity (ie. creative blocks), fertility, social cohesion or self esteem. Try to remember that this week’s Venus Cazimi is an opportunity to lay everything out on the table and redesign them with greater elegance and sustainability. If you’ve been feeling tensions in these areas lately, it could be alleviating to know that great transformations are forming in the background that might soon help you to see the light at the end of the tunnel. You might be faced with a need to resolve difficult tensions that have been hidden or repressed from sight. It could be helpful to reframe these tensions as opportunities to embrace solutions with strong substance and longevity that extend far beyond superficial benefits.

Mercury’s movements leading up to the Venus Cazimi could see potential influences over financial matters. Mercury enters Gemini, trines Pluto and conjuncts Jupiter (3-4 June) all around the same time; the common denominator of this trio being finance, money and mercantile affairs, though it could also indicate themes of study, teaching, communication and research. While Mercury is strong in the sign of Gemini, this could be a good opportunity to tap into new strategies to grow your finances in novel and innovative ways. If financial pressure has been burdening you, this week’s purification could help you breathe in some new ideas into the management of your wealth, possibly in ways that you might not have thought of before. It may be a good time to investigate or learn about new opportunities which may assist in restructuring your financial situation.

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See you next Sunday for the next installment of planetary news.

Shu xx


about author

Hi, I’m Shu.

As a professional astrologer with nearly 20 years of study, I do more than read charts for clients. I embody astrological lore in my every day life as a grower, beekeeper, mother, art hobbyist and a dabbler of planetary magic. Guiding, translating, writing, timing, observing, crafting, counselling and teaching are all things I do to bring astrology to the world.

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