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Interpsycle Observator: Capricorn Solstice Season

by | Dec 21, 2023 | Interpsycle Observator, Latest Posts

In this article, I’ll cover some aspects of the Capricorn Ingress Chart which will outline the main themes of the happenings of the Capricorn season (22 Dec – 19 Dec). In addition, the Solstice chart where the Sun enters 0 degress of Capricorn is also indicative of the trends for the next three months so I’ll also be forecasting some important themes for the upcoming quarter through this chart.

I’ve recently been a guest on the Energetic Principles Podcast where Melissa Lafara and I discuss the Ingress chart and the Capricorn season in detail. Tune in if you’d like to dive deeper into this.

Here are some of the signatures we discussed in the Capricorn Ingress chart:

Mercury Retrograde

By the time of the ingress, Mercury will be nine days into its underworld journey and within the Cazimi of the Sun (<1 degree orb). This is a rather auspicious phenomenon where it suggests great opportunities and chance available within our field for the day of the Solstice / Ingress and potentially extended over to the next three months. Your Capricorn house will indicate where the good fortune might fall upon you, as well as the Gemini and Virgo houses that Mercury rules. Watch for lucky winfalls, great insights, clarity and an acceleration of matters pertaining to these activated houses which may have impacts over the next quarter given that it’s within the Ingress chart. On the actual day of the Mercury Cazimi (22 Dec), you may likely experience an added dose of the good fortune associated with this conjunction. For example, difficulties with the law or issues with authoritarians such as your bosses, parents or whomever you view as your superiors can often be reconciled during this time. By all means, use this date to ask for favours!

Anticia of Mercury Sun / Mars Sun

As soon as Mercury completes its Cazimi, it will move back into Sagittarius where it will form an Anticia with the Sun (positioned in areas that share equal light). This signifies a continuation of alliances between Mercury and the Sun which could extend the hidden forces of cooperation you may be experiencing with the tactical, technical and administrative areas of life (as ruled by Mercury). Travel may also be on the agenda as it symbolically influences your need to journey to new and hidden territories within yourself. 

During the Capricorn season, it would be great to have a mental or administrative project to align with Mercury’s movements as the secret resource of ration, communication, intelligence and exploration is ready for your use. It’s as though you have a muse available to you over the next month that can lead you to new insights about yourself and what’s currently occupying your mind. A writing project, tackling some administrative work, coming up with a business strategy or a 2 week journaling exercise are some ideas for working with Mercury this month. Anticias are often associated with a hidden nature so this project might be something you’re considering to keep on the down low right now. 

Mercury Mars conjunction

As with most journeys, the road is not always smooth! Mercury will be heading into a conjunction with Mars (27 Dec) shortly after the Cazimi at the Ingress. This is the second of three conjunctions that Mercury will make with Mars so it’s likely that you might see something resurface from around 28-29 October when the first conjunction occurred.  A continuation of matters that initiated late October is likely to hit a milestone or progress to the next stage. Mars can offer that added push to get your Mercury matters accelerating if you’ve been wandering in circles around that matter. If you notice a connection between late October and some of your current inklings around the 27 December, it’s not a coincidence – Mars will want you to act on these signals. However, a word of caution – you may need to exercise high levels of self control especially in your communication with others. Mars-Mercury combinations, especially in the honest sign of Sagittarius could result in foot-in-mouth conditions where words and exchanges are made with some level of regret. But this energy is great for bringing action and decisions to the thoughts circling around your mind. Consider what you need to invigorate in your house of Sagittarius for the best use of this conjunction.

Moon Jupiter Conjunction

A beautiful signature of the Capricorn Ingress chart is the coming together of an exalted Moon with the great benefic, Jupiter. The days where the Moon joins fields with Jupiter are said to be lucky days. But my contemplation of this aspect leads me to believe that these are the days where we feel a greater sense of gratitude in our lives, no matter what our situation is. It’s like we have access to a more hopeful mindset which puts us into a more optimistic framework. Is your positive attitude attracting lucky encounters? Or, good fortunes creating your optimistic mindset? It’s a question of the chicken and the egg. But whatever it is, the Moon Jupiter conjunction at the Ingress will bring a sense of hope, opportunity and a greater connection to spirit over the next quarter which is something we can invite in at this Solstice. Given that the Moon is at its highest, most exalted state whilst visiting Jupiter suggests that we may start this quarter (and end the year out) on an emotional high. Indulgences, big sharing of emotions, generosity, good spirits, charity, connection and unity are on the cards so I hope you’re able to enjoy this wonderful conjunction to end out your year.

As you may be aware, Jupiter has been in Retrograde since early September and will soon make its Direct shift on 31 December. This conjunction of the Moon with a Retrograde Jupiter will be the fifth and final one. Jupiter will be going out of Taurus in 2024 with a big bang, so it has much in store. Take this moment where the Moon makes its final meeting with a Retrograde Jupiter to contemplate your journey of inward growth since September. 

As an added bonus, this Moon Jupiter conjunction makes a trine with the Mercury Cazimi of the Ingress chart, adding to all of the wonderful and beneficial influences discussed above. This merging of hope, optimism and elated emotions join forces with clarity, luck and insight. Again we come back to that conundrum of whether it’s the positive mindset or the good fortune that came first. Take it as it may – the free flowing connection between the two can be a visceral feeling as you move through this time. Extend the positive flow of this configuration throughout the quarter by setting in a deep intention for this during your Solstice celebrations. It’s certainly something worth celebrating!

Venus Uranus opposition

Venus, who rules the sign of Taurus, will underpin the qualities of the positive Moon Jupiter conjunction. As Venus is held within the sign of Scorpio where it can get a little stressed, there’s some tension that lurks in the background. The positive emotional growth that Moon Jupiter brings might not be what you’ve been expecting. Perhaps you’ll see the deeper meaning behind a difficult situation that arises. Or, despite uncertainty and discomfort, you may surprise yourself by coping unusually well. It could be the case that from the bad, comes the good, thanks to the hopeful providence that the Moon Jupiter conjunction brings.

Venus’ recent opposition to Uranus adds to the twists and surprises. Look to your Taurus Scorpio axis to see where there might have been unplanned situations. Chances these events are pushing you towards a more flexible mindset around them. If you’ve felt stagnant around the Taurus Scorpio areas of life, this transit will help reset your energy. You may need to seek an alternative path in order to gain the best attributes of this Venus Uranus opposition. At the very least, you can count on life being interesting.

This goes also for the next three months. There will be peculiar shifts along the way towards a more exciting and liberating interaction with life, that might challenge you to step outside your comfort zone, make unpopular decisions or take the alternative route. A chance for you to go solo and reclaim your independence is also on the cards. Think about how you might like to reset yourself with a challenge to reinstate your inner wilderness with your external environment.

If you’re unsure which areas concern you, you may like to book an Express Reading to discuss the next quarter in detail or a comprehensive Forecast Session to look at the year ahead.

Happy Solstice Blessing to all.

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See you next Sunday for the next installment of planetary news.

Shu xx


about author

Hi, I’m Shu.

As a professional astrologer with nearly 20 years of study, I do more than read charts for clients. I embody astrological lore in my every day life as a grower, beekeeper, mother, art hobbyist and a dabbler of planetary magic. Guiding, translating, writing, timing, observing, crafting, counselling and teaching are all things I do to bring astrology to the world.

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