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Interpsycle Observator: 2nd October – 8th October 2023

by | Oct 1, 2023 | Interpsycle Observator, Latest Posts | 1 comment

Transit dates
  • 2 Oct   Mercury opposite Neptune
  • 3 Oct   Mercury trine Pluto
  • 5 Oct   Mercury enters Libra
  • 6 Oct   Last Quarter Moon in Cancer
  • 8 Oct   Mercury Morning Set

All dates are stated in Universal Time (UT 0:00hrs). Please adjust for your timezone.

By the middle of the week, we will be well and truly within the Libra season which will feel much more extraordinary than the typical Libra seasons of other years. Four important points are gathering in your Libra house this week – Mercury will enter Libra (5 Oct) with Sun, Ketu and Mars already hanging out there getting ready to deliver next week’s first Solar Eclipse in Libra since 19 years (around 2004 – 2005).

You can expect a period of instability and change wherever the eclipses activate in your natal chart however this is likely to instigate events that will unfold over the next 24 months. What you might experience this week before the eclipse is a looming sense that something needs to shift or important insights unearthing whether you like it or not. With the Sun and Mars being fallen and exiled in the Libra zone, you might already be getting hints of pressure on this Libra area of life even though you may feel powerless to lead that change or the activities of that house might feel beyond your capacities or control at the moment. The urge to want to take action is strong – two fiery planets in a cardinal sign – but given their weakened position, you may need to accept that there are big plans formulating outside of your known sphere of understanding and that time will reveal  where your efforts are best directed towards. 

Librans are likely to feel this strongly, especially given that your Solar Return charts cast on your birthday will be (or close to being) an eclipse chart, indicating that you’re entering times of great change for the next 12-24 months. If you’re not born during Libra season, this upcoming eclipse will also be significant for you if important points or planets were in Libra at the time of your birth. For everyone else, check out where your Libra house is in your natal chart to see where you’ll be undergoing great developments for the next two years.  Book a consultation if you’d like to explore this further and come up with a plan. There will be more on the Solar Eclipse in next week’s article.

Mercury’s ingress into Libra (5 Oct)  this week after passing through the opposition to Neptune (2 Oct) and trine to Pluto (3 Oct) will commence the process of realisations that will roll in with the imminent eclipse lessons, making for a week of potentially great mental and ideological revelations.. Neptune helps dissolve some of the fixated ideas you’ve held and could present you with an opportunity to acknowledge where you need to surrender things that are driven by your status quo. You could feel a little drained and fatigued under this transit which might instigate thoughts on how you can let go of things that might no longer be needed, despite what your ego believes to be true. This  is potentially a week of ego dissolution as you melt into the flow of unseen forces or emotional wildcards. Taking a mental break and opting for more creative activities could assist you to work in this mode to explore your possibilities.

Mercury’s trine to Pluto (3 Oct) can shift new perspectives as the burden of being in control and responsibility weighs down on you. You might want to assess exactly where you need to commit your efforts towards as spreading yourself too thin at this stage will only backfire to more chaos and powerlessness. Focus and deep intentions are called for this week as you mentally scale back your external presence into the confines of your inner cultivation. This is also a good time for study, concentration and focused work especially around tasks that need to be finalised and brought to closure.

Use this time before Mercury enters Libra (5 Oct) to get the most out of a strong Mercury. Once it leaves its home sign of Virgo and enters Libra, you may lose some ability of the mental clarity, focus and curiosity that Mercury has offered over the past few weeks. It’s the final few days to receive your insights and get some plans established while you’re on a roll.

Soon after it enters Libra, Mercury will also be moving into its Morning Set phase (8 Oct) which will indicate a month of great mental anguish as challenges to your plans might put your and your systems to the test, giving you an opportunity to rise to the occasion. Things are starting to amp up in the cosmic vibes after the past couple of weeks of little activity – stay tuned for next week’s Solar Eclipse edition and reach out if you’d like to discuss your personal Libra-Aries eclipse story unfolding.

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See you next Sunday for the next installment of planetary news.

Shu xx

1 Comment

  1. Angela

    Thank you Shu! I wish I could already reach out to you! I’ve natal Mars in Libra at 24 degrees, Scorpio rising. I feel this huge desire to let go of things of the past and to cut negative patterns, not sure if I’ll be successful but it’s worth trying. Physically with the South Node…Draining! Have a great week, I hope to book a consultation with you soon. I really appreciate your knowledge and wisdom 🙌☺️

about author

Hi, I’m Shu.

As a professional astrologer with nearly 20 years of study, I do more than read charts for clients. I embody astrological lore in my every day life as a grower, beekeeper, mother, art hobbyist and a dabbler of planetary magic. Guiding, translating, writing, timing, observing, crafting, counselling and teaching are all things I do to bring astrology to the world.

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