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Interpsycle Observator: 5 June to 11 June 2023

by | Jun 4, 2023 | Interpsycle Observator, Latest Posts | 6 comments

Transit dates
  • 5 Jun    Venus enters Leo
  • 5 Jun    Venus opposite Pluto
  • 9 Jun   Mercury sextile Neptune
  • 11 Jun  Pluto returns to Capricorn
  • 11 Jun  Mercury trine Pluto
  • 11 Jun  Mercury enters Gemini
  • 11 Jun  Venus square Jupiter

All dates are stated in Universal Time (UT 0:00hrs). Please adjust for your timezone.

Lots of changes this week with three planets shifting signs, while the focus is now on Venus as she finalises the last few weeks of her 584-day cycle that commenced in January 2022.

Venus moves into the fiery Leo sign (5 Jun) where she feels somewhat uncomfortable as she has very little dignity there. Usually preferring moist, cool conditions which is a metaphor for the passive and unifying traits of Venus, she now finds herself in one of the hottest, driest signs where she feels excruciatingly exposed. And, she’s about to spend a long time here (until 9 October) during the deepest, darkest part of her entire cycle. What this translates to is that your relationships, social connections and personal values will become the key focus for these next few months as you’re called to integrate some of the dark shadows that Venus will be dredging up during her imminent Retrograde phase in July.

This could be the week where confrontations could arise especially around hidden matters or things that you have brewed under your skin for too long especially with Venus’ opposition to Pluto (5 Jun). If you need to get something off your chest, you may feel an unavoidable urge to do so this week but be prepared for some intense encounters as a result. Pluto brings a volcanic nature to Venus’ connective and social tendencies, and big shifts in relating could potentially occur with this tense opposition. This opposition calls on the energy of Kali, the dark and powerful goddess who destroys evil to deliver moksha (liberation).

But Venus’ opposition to Pluto is part of a bigger story that we’ve been covering. Remember that Pluto had recently squared Jupiter and opposed Mars in what was defined as a foundational alignment of your finances, eating habits and living values. While this T-square has dispersed slightly, Venus is nevertheless in the zone where this story began, so is therefore, re-igniting these issues from the angle of your desire nature. This week, you could be questioning yourself about what you really want to do with your life. What makes you happy and brings you joy? How much do you actually need to make this life happen? Pluto returns back to Capricorn (11 Jun) shortly after the Venus opposition so this is the one of the last chances to consider some of your long term desires (20 years) that have been aroused since Pluto entered Aquarius in March 2023. Mercury trining Pluto (11 Jun) will also give you an opportunity to think about this before Mercury moves into Gemini (11 Jun). The sign changes of Pluto and Mercury in this configuration suggests that there is instability in your decisions right now. Considering that Mercury has made a sextile with the hazy Neptune (9 Jun) shortly before the trine with Pluto, there’s a chance that confusion, impressionability or gullibility could have prevented full clarity of your perception.  What you think you wanted could potentially be renegotiated later so be prepared for a later shift either within yourself or the situation that surrounds you.

It’s quite possible that you might be shooting way too high this week, especially with Venus square Jupiter (11 Jun) in the mix. Both benefic planets can be overly enthusiastic when they come together so whatever conclusions you make this week could likely come up for review when Venus meets Jupiter’s square again on 22 August and 17 September. Some potential pitfalls of this Venus Jupiter square could be issues of over-consumption, greed, wastefulness, laziness, negligence and excessiveness. Perhaps these could be some of the shadows that emerge during the upcoming Venus Retrograde phase. In the meantime, mark those dates in your calendar now as this is a significant Venus Retrograde story that will emerge and require your attention over the next few months. Having reference to events and inner urges this week could prove to be helpful for that time.

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See you next Sunday for the next installment of planetary news.

Shu xx


  1. Angela

    Thank you Shu! Will you do a video / article on this Venus in Leo journey? I’m a Scorpio rising but Venus is extremely present in my chart at 0 degree Sagittarius and all her movements are very felt (Mars in Libra too in her bonds). I wonder how this will
    affect relationships! Scared but also excited! Have a nice week!

    • Shu Yap

      I’ll be putting on something on the Venus Rx soon, watch this space!

  2. Jodie Arrington

    Brilliant, as usual! Thank you Shu! Happy Winter, happy full Moon in Sag, love to the bees (are they hibernating?)

    • Shu Yap

      It was a great full moon Jodie. HOpe you had a good one too! Yes bees are sleeping x

  3. Lutia Lausane

    Thank you again Shu. I always find Venus/Pluto aspects exciting and challenging (Venus conjunct Pluto in my natal 11th house). I love the clarity of your analysis.

    • Shu Yap

      Thanks Lutia xxx

about author

Hi, I’m Shu.

As a professional astrologer with nearly 20 years of study, I do more than read charts for clients. I embody astrological lore in my every day life as a grower, beekeeper, mother, art hobbyist and a dabbler of planetary magic. Guiding, translating, writing, timing, observing, crafting, counselling and teaching are all things I do to bring astrology to the world.

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