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Interpsycle Observator: 8 August – 14 August 2022
Quote of the week
“Anger may in time change to gladness… But a kingdom that has once been destroyed can never come again into being”
― Sun Tsu
things to do this week
- Be ready to roll up your sleeves and face the hard work this week.
- Focus on jobs you’ve been procrastinating, especially those that require a lot of effort, force and discipline
- Be super sensitive of others during the Full Moon or spend some time alone
- Watch for motifs of head-related situations (physical or symbolic) happening around your or in the news
- Use Algol for protection and defence as well as transforming rage into power
Transit dates
- 8 Aug Venus trine Neptune
- 8 Aug Mars square Saturn
- 9 Aug Venus opposite Pluto
- 12 Aug Full Moon in Aquarius
- 12 Aug Venus enters Leo
- 12 Aug Mars sextile Neptune
All dates in Australian Eastern Standard Time (+10GMT) – Please adjust for your time zone
We continue the story of the triple conjunction of Mars/Uranus/North Node from last week but from a slightly different perspective this week. The defiant energy of Mars which saw anything from a productive assertion of one’s will to impulsive actions based on limited consciousness, will now hit a big wall when it squares Saturn this week. This Mars Saturn square (8 August) will bring frustrations as you navigate through the consequences and realities of your actions and decisions. There could be battles and contests as two dominant forces are in disagreement. But overall, Saturn will be the dominant planet overruling Mars as if an authoritarian is holding the rambunctious teenager to account for all their actions. Be ready to roll up your sleeves and face the hard work this week.
With Venus opposing Pluto (8 August) at the same time of this square, there’s no escaping whatever situation you find yourself in. There’s a possibility you may feel the weight of everything coming down on you as you grind through the tasks, or, you could find yourself busy executing lots of ideas / jobs that you’ve taken on. The benefit of these configurations is that if you have any arduous, painstaking or not pleasant tasks that you’ve been procrastinating, you might as well get onto them this week. The level of persistence you have available this week will be great so make the most of it through a productive cause rather than a conflicting one. Think discipline, drudgery, physical exertion and focus.
The Full Moon in Aquarius (12 August) will really cement the sentiments of the past two weeks into our full awareness. With both the Sun and Moon at right angles to the Mars/Uranus/North Node conjunction, and Venus entering the Sun’s sign of Leo while Moon is on Saturn, we have a situation where five out of the seven traditional planets are caught up in this tension-filled situation. With the fixed signs involved, it looks like a stubborn stalemate of withholding tensions seething under the surface. You may feel as though the floor is made of eggshells during this Full Moon as the barrier between composure and rage is thin. Spending these few days alone could be helpful.
As well as being at the apex of this Full Moon, Mars is also on the Fixed Star Algol, one of the most feared stars in the skies. The image of Algol is usually depicted with the snakehead of Medusa whose gaze can turn anyone into stone. Algol is associated with having one’s head cut off and symbolically this shows misfortunes, injuries and violence often connected with the head, our mind, decisions and mental health. Watch for motifs of head-related situations (physical or symbolic) happening around your or in the news.
At the same time, this misunderstood star can also offer a great level of protection, defense and courage. Algol is a popular choice for protection talismans or those seeking to increase their power in magic. Mars’ similar nature to this star affirms the power to defend and protect yourself from evil, just like the act of removing Medusa’s head also removes a monster. This week, Mars’ disruption to the Full Moon energy offers an alternative choice than to participate in the stalemate that will see your progress cemented in stone. Use the energy of Algol to help you transform your stubbornness, rage and frustrations into a power you may never have known you had. With consciousness, you can use Algol’s power to mobilise stagnant situations and bring about subtle change that can shift your fears and anxieties. Just quietly go about your way to turn yourself from your victimhood to the creator of your own will.
On the Algol theme this week, one book I can highly recommend is Jason Miller’s Protection and Reversal Magic – it’s a keeper!
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See you next Sunday for the next installment of planetary news.
Shu xx
about author

Hi, I’m Shu.
As a professional astrologer with nearly 20 years of study, I do more than read charts for clients. I embody astrological lore in my every day life as a grower, beekeeper, mother, art hobbyist and a dabbler of planetary magic. Guiding, translating, writing, timing, observing, crafting, counselling and teaching are all things I do to bring astrology to the world.
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If you find yourself in a transitional state of dynamic change where an objective perspective could be helpful, or if you’re simply a seeking purpose and authenticity, astrology could be an invaluable tool for you.
If you find yourself in a transitional state of dynamic change where an objective perspective could be helpful, or if you’re simply a seeking purpose and authenticity, astrology could be an invaluable tool for you.
Hi Shu, this is a very accurate interpretation of the current times, at least in my own experience and what I am feeling these days. I also see mundane events deepening into a martial and belicous spiral. Hope things calm down in a near future and that we can navigate this waters as cautiosly as possible.
Best wishes from Spain.
Yes, let’s hope Mar. We are living in tumultuous times. I hope things setting down for you personally soon!
Feeling it this week Shu! Thanks for these they really help me
My pleasure Skye. Hope all is well xxx