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Interpsycle Observator: February 2025

by | Jan 30, 2025 | Interpsycle Observator | 1 comment

There’s a lot I like about February. It certainly favours those with fixed sign placements (Aquarius, Leo, Taurus, Scorpio) while the rest of the signs will be actively receiving the month’s major planetary influences with mixed effects. Here are some highlights and notable features of February 2025…

Pluto comes within orb of Altair: Courage, boldness & generosity

Beginning above the sphere of planets, the fixed star Altair is activated this month by Pluto who is firmly cemented into the sign of Aquarius by now. Altair is the brightest star in the constellation of Aquila, the flying eagle, and is associated with boldness, action and generosity. The flying eagle sends a powerful message about February as Pluto initiates the qualities of this star into the collective. Overall, it’s considered to be one of the lucky stars, where courage and action brings hope and ambition, generally directed towards the benefit of the collective. Embrace the energy of the high flying eagle this month – have foresight, command your dreams and enjoy the ride.

Planets changing speed and directions: Shifting momentum

Another notable feature of February is the feeling of shifting gears. You may feel as though you’re changing to a lower gear for the uphill tracks that lie ahead. You may also feel the sense that you’re shifting to a higher gear to speed up on a freeway. Possibly you’ll be feeling both in different areas of life.

Jupiter Stationing Direct (4 Feb) in Gemini will give the sense of speeding up, especially if you’ve got placements in Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius or Pisces. This time might connect to the first half of October, when there could have been events that might have prompted you to reconsider something. A lot of your mental space could have been occupied by this topic since then, but this month could see advancements emerging in those matters, especially related to your Gemini house.

However, don’t be discouraged if things aren’t moving as quickly as you expect. The skies show that even though this month is a great month of dreaming up big plans, there’s also indications that they may not come to fruition as soon as you had anticipated. Jupiter and Venus want to connect by sextile, which often suggests potential opportunities for success and abundance, but as they both switch directions at the last minute, they never get to perfect their sextile, which indicates a late change of mind or something falling through that causes delays or the need for reconsideration. Rest assured, that moment will come, but not until early June. It may be helpful to factor this into any plans that you hatch in February.

Mars Stationing Direct (24 Feb) will also lift the breaks off something that has been a source of frustration. The Cardinal folks (Cancer, Libra, Capricorn, Aries) will feel this relief most strongly – perhaps a regaining of energy and momentum, or, reaching an important milestone in a journey of hard work. Family, home, land, parents and the overall theme of ‘belonging’ could be featured quite strongly in this Mars event, which might have been introduced in late October, and quite obviously cemented into life by December. This month, you can make more solid plans to press ahead for the coming months as matters become more clear.

Though the brakes are officially lifting off by month’s end, there’s a sluggishness that may be hard to shake. The Mars Saturn trine (9 Feb) will keep frustration levels active until early April, however, there’s the consolation that the hard work will pay off in the long run.

A part of the inevitable work that lies ahead for all of us, especially if you  have placements in Aries and Pisces, is the upcoming Venus Retrograde phase that begins 2 March and lasts for around 40 days. In February, Venus enters Aries (4 Jun) and will dramatically slow down in speed as it prepares to stop and turn around in early March. Events relating to relationships, love, beauty, fertility, finances and values may show up in February, especially past unresolved issues. If they do, you better take note as they will be big themes that will need to be addressed during March and April. Why not embrace this upcoming journey by preparing to tackle something related to these themes that you might have procrastinated. Walking into this work with more conscious intention can often deflect the more unwanted effects of the Venus Retrograde.

Mercury Cazimi: A special treat from our February skies

One of the most beautiful features of this month is the Mercury Superior Cazimi (9 Feb), showering us with radiant and bountiful zest and goodwill. This is particularly so if you have important placements in Aquarius where the Cazimi is positioned to happen. A Cazimi can often bring luck, gifts, windfalls and opportunities for that particular day. But to maximise your luck, you must put yourself in a position to benefit from this, therefore, be sure to ask for what you want on that day, schedule emails to send out, send job applications, rental requests, etc. Tune in on that day to receive lightning bolt revelations and inspirations, especially if it relates to something that began at the start of December when Mercury commenced its cycle in the sign of Sagittarius. The great thing about this Cazimi is that Mercury will be bringing over a powerful trine influence from the benefic Jupiter, which will boost the capacity of this Cazimi to deliver affirmatively.

Hope you can make the most of this!

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See you next time for the next installment of planetary news.

Shu xx

1 Comment

  1. Angela

    Thank you Shu! I wish you the best for your new studies. When will your schedule open for new clients precisely?
    Glad there will be more positive energy for the fixed signs as a Scorpio rising. Have a great month! I look forward to your description of Venus retrograde next time

about author

Hi, I’m Shu.

As a professional astrologer with nearly 20 years of study, I do more than read charts for clients. I embody astrological lore in my every day life as a grower, beekeeper, mother, art hobbyist and a dabbler of planetary magic. Guiding, translating, writing, timing, observing, crafting, counselling and teaching are all things I do to bring astrology to the world.

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