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Interpsycle Observator: Libra Eclipse – 2 October 2024

by | Sep 29, 2024 | Interpsycle Observator, Latest Posts | 1 comment

Transit dates

All dates are stated in Universal Time (UT 0:00hrs). Please adjust for your timezone.

  • 30 Sep   Mars trine Saturn
  • 3 Oct     Solar Eclipse in Libra
  • 5 Oct     Venus trine Saturn
  • 6 Oct     Mercury square Mars

Time for our next eclipse – a Solar New Moon Eclipse in Libra which will happen over the evening of 2 October to the morning of 3 October. This eclipse conjoins with Ketu, or the South Node, which means that purification, spiritual liberation and internal cultivation will be of great importance. New Moon energy is extremely inwards as well, so the best medicine for this eclipse will be to cut off from the external world, purify yourself, cleanse your environment and focus on your purpose. This is a great time to do ritual fasting and space clearing.

The path of this eclipse will travel through the southern parts of Chile and Argentina, starting in the middle of the Pacific Ocean to the beginning of the Atlantic Ocean on the eastern side of South America. This region will be the hot spot for this upcoming eclipse in Libra, with possible extreme weather events, geopolitical instability and increasing pressures on the heads of state in that region.

Eclipses don’t happen in isolation. The eclipse this week is part of the Saros 144 series which started in 1736. 

Glancing at some of the major events I noticed that 1736 was the year in which the repeal of the  Witchcraft Act came into effect in Great Britain, which abolished the hunting and execution of witches, marking the end of witch trials in the early modern period. Interestingly, it was the husband of Sir Isaac Newton’s niece, John Conduit,  who was a key promoter of this legal shift. It was no secret that Newton was a keen occultist himself. Was Conduit trying to protect his family? The sign of Libra represents the scales of justice, and perhaps it was these series of eclipses which potentially saved Newton himself from the stake. Newton was also born during eclipses in the Libra – Aries axis, making him a key player in this legal storyline.

This inception eclipse of 1736 has set the tone of discrimination and injustice and the need for advocacy and equilibrium for this Libra-Aries eclipse series. In a previous article from the last Libran eclipse, I wrote more about the idea of discrimination and justice connected to this set eclipses which you can read more about here. It features key historical advocates like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Mahatma Gandhi, as well as a list of historical events like the 1960’s Civil Rights Movement, Apartheid, Hurricane Katrina and the Australian Voice Referendum, which are all related to this eclipse series.

In terms of what we might expect from the eclipse this week….

Firstly, there is a Mercury Cazimi that occurs within a day before the eclipse, which makes this a particularly insightful time. From the first day of October, there’s an opportunity to be highly attuned to an intuitive cognisance that you might not usually have. This will only come if you can create some personal space for these messages and omens to come through in your daily life, so be sure to contain your energy, retreat and dedicate reflective time in the day preceding the eclipse.

A grand trine forms during this eclipse between Venus, Mars and Saturn. The dominant theme of this trine is one of duty, discipline and slowness. Your attempts to take action, speed up or take short cuts will be rejected by the heavy force of Saturn’s negation, obstacles and limitations. Resist the temptation to act too early, or to act at all. No major actions or decisions need to be made this week. In fact, spending too much time on ‘doing’ will be counterproductive this week, as suggested by Mars square Mercury (6 Oct). This is a week where you need to spend more time in contemplation rather than action, and be led by the downloads being gifted to you by Mercury’s Cazimi.

With this eclipse, Mars will be heading into its retrograde shadow which  means that actions taken over the month of October could potentially need to be revisited over the next 6 month period. The eclipse’s smoke and mirrors will certainly not allow you to make good choices right now. If you do need to take action or make a decision, it’s likely that situations may result in things needing to be readdressed at a later date, especially around December and January.

The trine between Mars and Saturn (30 Sep) (which is part of the grand trine with Venus) not only opens this week, it also introduces a greater story that will have significance in early February 2025 and early April 2025. It could be a bit of a frustrating situation as any efforts to get ahead and be productive could be met with firm resistance or rejection. It may involve personal efforts directed towards your family, home and the attainment of emotional security which may be met with criticism, high expectations and coldness. This could lead you to feel extremely dejected or resentful and if self constraint is not under control, there could potentially be regretful exchanges to be had. 

During this eclipse week, it’s important to see if any issues around this nature arises because ultimately, they are surfacing for good reason. Both Mars and Saturn offer a common solution – that is separation. Learn to detach yourself from these situations. Try to initiate yourself into a solo journey over the next six months which will help build your personal independence and autonomy. This trine repeats three times in water signs, suggesting that emotional independence and emotional security will be the goal. If any actions need to be taken, it’s best done in the new year after January 2025 when momentum can rebuild.

Blessings for this potent new moon!

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See you next Sunday for the next installment of planetary news.

Shu xx

1 Comment

  1. Angela

    Thank you Shu. I was wondering about action and new things starting even in the next months with what you wrote, do you think some beginnings are safe even in October or November and December? As a Mars ruled sign I wonder, although we cannot stop life, right? Thanks again and blessings!


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Hi, I’m Shu.

As a professional astrologer with nearly 20 years of study, I do more than read charts for clients. I embody astrological lore in my every day life as a grower, beekeeper, mother, art hobbyist and a dabbler of planetary magic. Guiding, translating, writing, timing, observing, crafting, counselling and teaching are all things I do to bring astrology to the world.

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