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Interpsycle Observator: 8 July – 14 July 2024

by | Jul 7, 2024 | Interpsycle Observator | 1 comment

Transit dates

All dates are stated in Universal Time (UT 0:00hrs). Please adjust for your timezone.

  • 8 Jul    Venus sextile Uranus
  • 8 Jul    Mercury sextile Jupiter
  • 10 Jul  Evening Rise of Venus
  • 11 Jul   Sun trine Saturn
  • 11 Jul   Venus trine Neptune
  • 12 Jul   Venus opposite Pluto
  • 13 Jul   1st Quarter Moon in Libra

The best part of the 18-month Venus cycle happens this week! The Evening Heliacal Rise of Venus (10 Jul) is the big news for the week and while it can be overlooked by many astrologers, in my opinion, it’s quite a significant statement of power. This is the kind of power that comes from wisdom, experience and maturity. A power that is gentle and inspiring. One that leads from the heart, with compassion, because it knows too well the struggle of isolation, loss and rejection. 

What have you learnt about yourself since Venus went into the Underworld at the end of April? It’s very common to experience tensions in relationships, finances, creativity, sexuality and values during this time. If these themes were present for you, there could be significant opportunities for self realisations as a result of these experiences. 

When Venus becomes visible in the evening skies this week, she helps us to step forward and outward into the world, carrying the wisdom of our wounds and the pride of our vulnerabilities with us. Leaving the Underworld doesn’t mean you should leave all of the pain behind. It’s an opportunity to transform these wounds into productive ways forward. Bringing the Underworld with you builds a path between the deep abyss to the aspirational skies above – a merging of heaven and earth that’s experienced in every step forward and every breath inhaled.

I found a little thought bubble that I published in my Pluto in Aquarius: Round 2 article back in January that involves this Evening Rise of Venus. It’s worth revisiting this paragraph now that we’re here: 

Another interesting time to note is in July when Venus makes her Heliacal Evening Rise whilst making an opposition to Pluto. This could dredge up the Venus Retrograde in Leo themes from July – September 2023 for your attention. Worthwhile checking out which axis these Aquarius-Leo signs fall upon to prepare for some reflective work around relationship issues, personal values, sexuality themes, vulnerabilities and subtle power dynamics. Given that Venus’ evening half will have commenced at 14 degree Gemini, the 11th place from Leo, Venus may be looking to resolve her themes with the idea of moving forward towards a better future.

If you get a chance this week, try to catch the first light of Venus as she makes her appearance. Her heliacal rise can be experienced in events during the week symbolising beauty, honour, acknowledgement, publicity, connection, indulgence, fertility, growth, nurture and the feminine principle. It’s time for you to launch yourself into the next nine months, knowing that an important seed is emerging this week. Rising at the last degree of Cancer could bring up some pressing needs around family, the home, self-care, nurturing others, mothers, security and protection. Changes seem to be afoot just like the ocean tides bringing movement to the sands. And with the week opening up with a Venus sextile Uranus (8 Jul) and Mercury sextile Jupiter (8 Jul), some surprises might also be thrown into the mix with plenty of trickster energy around – nothing too malicious though. Be present to what might be changing as these experiences could occupy you for the next nine months.

The lunation of the week also happens to be in a Venus sign, bringing this powerful heliacal rise energy to the First Quarter Moon in Libra (13 Jul).  This gives a feeling of progress you might be feeling on an important matter, perhaps some signs of success becoming apparent after a long struggle. The Sun trine Saturn (11 Jul) also confirms this sentiment too.

My general advice is to focus on the energy of the Evening Heliacal Rise of Venus as she dominates the entire week’s transit. Review my Superior Conjunction of Venus video as this will guide you to what is being brought forward this week as Venus rises.

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See you next Sunday for the next installment of planetary news.

Shu xx

1 Comment

  1. Angela

    Thank you Shu. Last Venus retrograde was mmh a bit harsh, I hope the lessons will play in a positive way now. Venus is very dominant in my chart, let’s hope so. Your work on Venus is outstanding! Have a nice week 🙂

about author

Hi, I’m Shu.

As a professional astrologer with nearly 20 years of study, I do more than read charts for clients. I embody astrological lore in my every day life as a grower, beekeeper, mother, art hobbyist and a dabbler of planetary magic. Guiding, translating, writing, timing, observing, crafting, counselling and teaching are all things I do to bring astrology to the world.

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