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Spring Equinox Astrological Forecast
(Autumn Equinox for Northern Hemisphere)
The Sun travels into Libra and activates the Spring Equinox (Autumn Equinox for northerners), and at this precise moment, we get a glimpse of what the last quarter of 2019 might hold for us. This ingress chart, is essentially the ‘birth chart’ for the Spring Equinox and can be used to guide us through the trends of this period until the Summer Solstice ingress chart is activated in late December (or Winter Soltice for northerners) . Traditionally, ingress charts are used for political, social, environmental and economical forecasts, however I do find them applicable as an overview of the quarterly trends from a personal level. It is a good complimentary forecast to the more common daily, weekly and monthly forecasting methods.
A time for action
One striking feature of the Spring Equinox chart is the amount of planets in cardinal signs, a modality associated with action, initiation and movement. There is a sense of having to make decisions or building structure around an issue in some way. This could be motivated by an emerging need to seek social integration, a developing tension around equality or balance, a rising priority for one’s personal desires or relationship issues in general. Some might experience these actions more internally, while others might experience them more externally. Likewise, some may experience these actions as a need to consciously make a decision about them while others may simply see the actions manifest. Either way, this period is a dynamic time of action, initiation and movement.
The eclipse stories continue
It’s likely that the action needed at this time is reigniting the activities, events or psychological states developed around the eclipses of January 2019 and July 2019, bringing them to a point where we may either see their tangible forms emerge, or be in a position to decide on their potential structures moving forward.
These months were intense to say the least. The pull between work and family, the stirrings of discontent rising from outdated familial obligations, the uneasiness of one’s shadows rising for attention, the realisation that ancestral trauma could be more alive than one might like to accept, the pressures of austerity impacting the way we live, the difficulties of letting go – these were some of the themes related to the Cancer/Capricorn eclipses that have been weaving into the stories of many people this year.
So it is at this time where you may come to meet these stories again – this time, from a different perspective. There is more awareness of the situation and a greater capacity for rationalisation. Emotionally, you may be feeling more secure and comfortable. Mentally, you could be more uplifted than the previous months. Spiritually, you’re ready for actions that might lead to structures being put in place around issues raised earlier this year. Important issues that surround your life right now may come to a point in which some sort of action / reaction may manifest as a result. Or, you may simply feel an inner tension that’s causing you to be a bit restless or anxious.
Indecisive tenancies
For some,the problem could be one of indecision. With a build up of planets in the vacillating sign of Libra, our ability to simply take action or make decisions could be impacted by our vigilance towards maintaining balance and harmony. Have I thought this through enough? Is there anything I’ve missed? Will I regret this decision? Will this upset anyone? Is this the right choice for me? And, the questions roll on. It is a test of the personal risks we’re willing to take on in the quest for pursuing our desires.
Head vs heart syndrome
At the heart of all this, we may feel torn between what we SHOULD do, and what we WANT to do. Our head tells us we need to reduce the uptake of commitments if we want to be able to pursue them in a sustainable manner. Our heart pulls us towards what feels right, even though we can’t quite see how this is all going to work yet. Our head reminds us of our duties and responsibilities, while our heart reminds us of our need for emotional connection and security. Both sides equally valid; both pursuing their own causes.
The monkey mind
But sometimes, action requires making some discerning decisions. The temptation to weigh everything up in order to be inclusive, diplomatic or non-confrontational, could lead to anxiety, mental overload, social pressure, missed opportunities, frustrations, inaction or the wrong choices being made. Be aware of the tendency to default to these mentally exhaustive states disguising as a one’s productivity. Not only will this exhaust you; it will totally demotivate your efforts. Make time for conscious mind-clearing activities this quarter because only when your hands are free are they able to hold precious things.
Our visions revealed
Among the more intense stories happening this year, we’ve also been enveloped in a more inspiring cloud of co-creation where we may have been dreaming big and visioning about a life that is more meaningful, expansive and fulfilling. This quarter, we may see a resolution to some of the ideas that we’ve been experimenting with for the past 12 months. Perhaps you may come to the realisation that these ideas are illusions and finally be at peace with letting them go. Or, perhaps, these ideas may have planted a seed for you to take onto your next journey. Either way, the growth of your philosophical views and the new knowledge that you’ve gained in this process could be feeding into your practical life structures now. There’s a supportive influence of possibilities that can inspire our actions or assist us to make choices, if we so wish.
Horoscopes (for Rising sign or Sun sign)
Horoscopes are a little bit of fun, but certainly not a comprehensive analysis of your astrological chart. It’s best to read your rising sign if you know it and take this with a grain of salt. If you don’t know your rising sign, provides a free chart calculation service, or you can contact me to have a copy of your chart sent to you at a small cost. Otherwise, just read your Sun sign.
Relationships and other one-to-one partnerships seem to be the focus for you this quarter. The social part of you is seeking fun, pleasure and mental stimulation but there’s something holding you back from all of this. Pressure from work, obligations hanging over your head and general responsibilities and commitments could be putting pressure on relationships. While it would be nice to do something fun with a partner or go out seeking one if you’re single, your mind may be clouded by heavier obligations and you may feel more inclined to get things done around the home instead. If you have a partner, this could be a great time to talk things through and put structures in place that can bring about more balance, equality and time for fun and enjoyment in the relationship. If you’re seeking a partner, you may like to think more seriously about what it is you’re looking for in a relationship and what you’re willing to compromise. Keep a watch on your health too. Physically, your energy levels may be flat from over doing it. Mentally, you could feel demotivated and overwhelmed.
Learning seems to be the focus for you this quarter as you continue your search for a more authentic path. This year may have seen you undergo some radical, unconventional or unexpected changes that have made you prioritise your authenticity and uniqueness. At this Spring Equinox, you’re expanding into the realm of ideas and theories as you formulate important philosophical views about the meaning of your life purpose. Being practical by nature, you’re keen to put these new teachings into practice, whether that be in your every day life or at work. All this new growth and expansion your experiencing are sure to send ripples into your workplace or the area of life where you provide a service. If this area of life doesn’t provide you with any meaning or spiritual fulfillment, you could be impelled to make some changes. If you’re not making any moves, it could be that conflicting ideologies with various people may arise to ultimately shift you towards a more authentic path.
Financial themes are front and centre for you this quarter. You’re vehemently protecting your personal security, income and assets whilst balancing the pressures of debts, loans and the consequences of past financial losses. At the heart of this is a lesson of self worth. The focus on material wealth management is a reflection of your inner need to be valued, acknowledged and respected. If you’ve had a tough time with your confidence lately, this quarter could be a good opportunity to implement some structures around building your value, inside and out. Ideals and issues around relationships have the opportunity for resolution, and the lessons you have learnt in this area will support your efforts as you re-build your identity, ego and self-worth. Home life may be a bit tense with passive aggressive tendencies in the air and a general feeling of depletion. Try to do something creative or spiritually fulfilling to re-fill your cup.
It’s certainly been an intense year for you and while things are improving, there’s still a lot to work through. In this quarter, there will likely be a manifestation of decision-making or critical events based around the home and personal life. The situation around your home and family life is now taking precedent, after it’s been a somewhat overlooked by-product of other more pressing issues like relationships, career or health. It’s also a good time to prioritise structures around personal self-care and physical and mental wellness as this will create a balanced foundation from which you can care for your family and parents who really need you right now, as well as attend to important jobs around the home or land. Simple routines can be integrated into your daily life to help you get through the challenging days – spend time with animals, go for walks / rides, mindfulness, read, learn something new or listen to something inspiring.
Chronic health issues and niggling little injuries that you’ve held onto for a long time could be surfacing for urgent attention. You would really benefit from addressing all of these bodily ailments that may even be impacting on your ability to perform at work or in every day life. Long-term ailments usually require longer term remedies, and the hard work around your healing is becoming quite apparent to you. A deeper exploration of your ailments could see you reaching back to your past when patterns, conditions and behaviours around health (including mental health) were formed and crystalised over the years. Being flexible in body and mind is a useful characteristic to have right now as you navigate through this unpredictable world. If health issues are preventing you from working productively, you could be looking at ways to transform your work life to something more sustainable. This could lead to larger questions around how you could authentically contribute to the world at large. Being opened to innovative ideas is the key and so is practically embodying the change you want to be at an every day level.
Who am I? What is my worth? Who are my supporters? These are the questions that could be on your mind this quarter as you ponder the complexities of your true creative self-expression. Finances are often considered the default when it comes to evaluating one’s value. Your challenge however, is to build your material value upon the foundation of your inner self-worth. Whether it’s the case of working for peanuts or your kids taking too much advantage of your free service, it could be time to express your growing need for acknowledgement and support. Perhaps you might also need to demonstrate your own value to others by rewarding yourself with a day off, some self indulgence or simply by saying a polite ‘no’. Putting some mechanisms in place to enable you and others to value yourself more, could be the key for you to reconnect with your own creativity and passions. Finding like-minded groups where you feel secure, supported and connected could also be helpful in reconnecting to self. Be mindful of falling into a passive-aggressive response or being a resentful martyr when it comes to this. Learning to say ‘no’ politely could prevent a chain reaction of politics down the track.
This quarter is a dynamic period for you with lots of activity happening at home, work and physical health. While you may be enjoying the social aspects of all this activity, there is likely to be a point where you will need to assess how you’re going to balance all of your social obligations, work commitments and domestic and family duties, without burning out physically and mentally. If you’re spreading yourself too thin, this might be a good time to sort through what’s really important to your long term goals. Your heart is in the right place but your head is being pulled in all directions, making it difficult for you to think practically and make decisions. Unreasonable demands on you might be causing you to feel internally raged, unappreciated or undertake things that might jeopardise your health or your own goals. Letting go of some expectations will help ease some anxieties and social pressure. A short trip away could be really beneficial in clearing your mind and refreshing your goals without the influence of daily life pressures.
There’s a lot that’s been happening within your inner sphere as you contemplate the meaning of life. Despite a burgeoning growth in philosophical views, you’re still presenting your ‘normal’ self on the outside which could be causing inner tension or confusion. This quarter could see you internalising a lot more about your philosophical ideals, almost as if it were a secret fantasy. Deep down, you want to be able to express openly about some of the internal shifts you’ve been feeling and seek out a way in which these new ideals can be integrated into your life. However, you’re not entirely sure how to do this, or even how to express it right now. So, you may find yourself somewhat conflicted at this time – ready to move onto the next phase yet unable to do so due to the shackles of the daily grind at your feet. There is a sense of feeling like a doormat where you’re playing an important role in the fulfillment of other people’s agendas whilst having your own goals walked over in the meantime. Employing patience and learning to surrender will be key in nurturing your mental health. Any action or decisions this quarter is likely to manifest from an intrinsic, personal level. Outer change will come in due course. Further exploration and testing of your philosophical ideals, values and beliefs is what you’re being called to do right now.
This quarter is a dynamic period for you with lots of activity happening at home, work and physical health. While you may be enjoying the social aspects of all this activity, there is likely to be a point where you will need to assess how you’re going to balance all of your social obligations, work commitments and domestic and family duties, without burning out physically and mentally. If you’re spreading yourself too thin, this might be a good time to sort through what’s really important to your long term goals. Your heart is in the right place but your head is being pulled in all directions, making it difficult for you to think practically and make decisions. Unreasonable demands on you might be causing you to feel internally raged, unappreciated or undertake things that might jeopardise your health or your own goals. Letting go of some expectations will help ease some anxieties and social pressure. A short trip away could be really beneficial in clearing your mind and refreshing your goals without the influence of daily life pressures.
Your career, reputation or status will be highlighted this quarter and don’t be surprised if you are somehow trust into the public sphere in some way. A dynamic period of action for you, this quarter could see you kicking all the right goals but deep within, you could be grappling with tensions in relationships, health, family and your public life. In the pursuit of your ambitions, are you staying true to your authenticity? Do you need to let go of unhealthy practices that are affecting your work / relationships / health? Are you placing too much demand on a partner, or vice versa? Be guided by your inner inspiration for growth, learning and expansion as a way to ground yourself from all the public pressures around you. You’re on a trajectory of significant change this year and good decisions now could see long-term structures being developed in a way that’s fast, intense but true to your spirit.
This is a time for expanding your consciousness, and it seems you may be ready to leap forward into some form of learning, travel or activity that will broaden your horizons. There’s been quite a bit of deep unconscious rumblings that may now be ready to emerge in a tangible way. Whether that’s starting a new course, travelling, a spiritual pilgrimage or formulating renewed values and philosophical orientations, in some way, you are heading towards new meaning in your life. Common interest groups, social networks, friends and acquaintances could be a great outlet where you can feel supported in pursuing your future hopes and dreams. Finances may be a bit strained this quarter, but it’s a small price to pay for the growth in consciousness that you’ll gain. Be mindful that all this activity isn’t colliding too much with your health and mental wellness. Letting go of some personal expectations could help bring about more balance and sustainable approaches.
During this quarter, you may find yourself in a somewhat frustrating position where your hands may be tied to the demands of other people. So you may find yourself quietly engineering your way out to free yourself from this bondage. The issue could be related to other people’s money (like debts, loans, deceased estates, etc.) or practical aspects around your own mortality (like wills, insurance, superannuation, etc.). Balancing the needs of children, the demands of friendships and social groups and your own ‘me’ time while you’re consumed with the heavier topics of life could be a challenge this quarter. A feeling of exhaustion from the demands of relationships could also manifest. It’s important to remember that there is a deep well of intelligence, tact, interpersonal skills and leadership within you that’s ready to be tapped into as you manage your affairs this quarter. And, know that with all this ‘dirty work’ sorted out, you will be left with a renewed sense for the future.
Key Dates
Planetary ingresses
3 October: Mercury enters Scorpio
4 October: Mars enters Libra
24 October: Sun enters Scorpio
19 November: Mars enters Scorpio
23 November: Sun enters Saggitarius
26 November: Venus enters Capricorn
6 December: Jupiter enters Capricorn
9 December: Mercury enters Saggitarius
3 October: Pluto stationary direct
1 November: Mercury stationary retrograde
21 November: Mercury stationary direct
27 November: Neptune stationary direct
Moon phases
29 September: New Moon 5°20’ Libra
14 October: Full Moon 20°13’ Aries
28 October: New Moon 4°25’ Scorpio
12 November: Full Moon 19°51’ Taurus
27 November: New Moon 4°03’ Saggitarius
12 December: Full Moon 19°51’ Gemini
Special aspects
12 November: Mercury Cazimi 1.21am
about author

Hi, I’m Shu.
As a professional astrologer with nearly 20 years of study, I do more than read charts for clients. I embody astrological lore in my every day life as a grower, beekeeper, mother, art hobbyist and a dabbler in planetary magic. Guiding, translating, writing, timing, observing, crafting, counselling and teaching are all things I do to bring astrology to the world.
If you find yourself in a transitional state of dynamic change where an objective perspective could be helpful, or if you’re simply a seeking purpose and authenticity, astrology could be an invaluable tool for you.
If you find yourself in a transitional state of dynamic change where an objective perspective could be helpful, or if you’re simply a seeking purpose and authenticity, astrology could be an invaluable tool for you.