a home dedicated to my musings on astrological lore

Interpsycle Observator: 5 August – 11 August 2024

Mercury begins its underworld journey as it stations retrograde to kick this week off. This Mercury Retrograde (5 Aug) is the second of its cycle this year happening in all three fire signs – the places of inspiration, ascension, impulse and aspiration. Currently Mercury in Virgo is completing the Aries cycle which began in April 2024. Part of this completion cycle involves Mercury moving backwards from our Earth’s perspective, symbolising a journey into the underworld to recreate itself. As Mercury Stations Retrograde this week, you may find yourself contemplating the journey you’ve been on since early April when the current cycle started. Whatever you started then might somehow feel like it’s moving into stagnation. You may be prodded to rethink your ways and consider alternative measures that might help revive your motivation. Your early April intention may need to be revisited in some way as Mercury Stations Retrograde. In this way, this Mercury Retrograde continues the path of the reset which started last week at the Leo New Moon.

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Interpsycle Observator: 29 July – 4 August 2024

A new cycle begins this week with the New Moon in Leo (4 Aug), which might be a welcome reset. Last lunation seemed to be a hectic combination of volatile aspects and helpful transits happening all at once, mainly occurring across the fixed signs of Leo, Taurus and Aquarius. While we’re still in the thick of Leo season, it’s pleasing to know that the planets are shifting into more amicable placements which may ease tensions a little.

This is the first Leo New Moon in over 250 years with Pluto staring down at it from the opposite sign of Aquarius. In last week’s article, I wrote about the raw and piercing new vibe of Leo season that we will now experience for the next 20 years, thanks to Pluto’s new position at 0 degrees Aquarius, the opposite sign of Leo. This week’s New Moon will be the first major event of the Sun that will inaugurate this 20 year trend, so it’s quite a powerful New Moon if you think about it in this way.

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Interpsycle Observator: 22 July 2024 – 28 July 2024

Following on the volatile Mars-Uranus-Algol stellium last week, the strong fire energy continues into this week. Mars will make contact with the Sun and Pluto this week, and although the heat will remain, it seems much more productive if the fire can be channelled in the right way.

Leo season starts at the beginning of this week with the Sun entering its own sign of Leo (22 Jul). There’s usually a sense of uplifting brightness and positivity when the Sun makes its annual return to his home. However, now that Pluto has entered Aquarius and staying in this zone for the next 20 years, every Leo season will be injected with the penetrating depth of Pluto at the opposition point every time the Sun enters its home sign. We may see the optimism of the Lion’s essence diminish as a result. Pluto’s intimidating gaze from afar might cause paranoia, insecurity and apprehension to enter into the Lion’s positive outlook.

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Interpsycle Observator: 15 July – 21 July 2024

Tensions could be on the verge of boiling over this week in a very Mars inspired sky. We start the week off with a big bang when Mars conjuncts Uranus right on the same degree as the fixed star, Algol. This trio is as volatile as they come so expect to see some explosive, noisy and rambunctious energies (which probably started over the weekend). The common trait between all three is violence, accidents and strife.

The good news is that the heat of Mars is very much being tempered down, being in the cool earth sign of Taurus and receiving a sextile from watery Neptune. We might not see the outwardly explosive nature of Mars that we would expect, however, this doesn’t mean the level of spice is reduced. Rather, you may feel the presence of Mars between your teeth as you grind your frustrations away or see inflammation beneath your skin seeking ways to escape. So while things might have a lid on it, one would question whether it’s healthier to find ways to not have that lid on at all. It’s a double edged sword, and you’re probably ‘damned if you do or damned if you don’t’.

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Interpsycle Observator: 8 July – 14 July 2024

The best part of the 18-month Venus cycle happens this week! The Evening Heliacal Rise of Venus is the big news for the week and while it can be overlooked by many astrologers, in my opinion, it’s quite a significant statement of power. This is the kind of power that comes from wisdom, experience and maturity. A power that is gentle and inspiring. One that leads from the heart, with compassion, because it knows too well the struggle of isolation, loss and rejection.

What have you learnt about yourself since Venus went into the Underworld at the end of April? It’s very common to experience tensions in relationships, finances, creativity, sexuality and values during this time. If these themes were present for you, there could be significant opportunities for self realisations as a result of these experiences.

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Interpsycle Observator: 1 July – 7 July 2024

Following last week’s Saturn Retrograde phase, we have a Neptune Retrograde this week. What does this mean? Probably a whole lot of contradictions and confusion from what you’ve read last week! Both Saturn and Neptune are mismatched bedfellows – there’s not many planetary pairs that are this polarised. Saturn is all about structure, form, boundaries and discipline while Neptune is intangible, impressionable, nebulous and whimsical.

Since March 2023, Saturn and Neptune have been in the same sign of Pisces. Over a three year period, this incongruous couple will edge closer together until they finally make an exact conjunction in February 2026, symbolising their union in the initiating sign of Aries. Right now, we’re just over the second year of this three-year process of merging our own inner contradictions. What’s happening at a greater level is that we’re being encouraged to resolve opposing forces within ourselves. This may look like having two important desires that might be difficult to pursue without sacrificing the other. Or perhaps it’s being in a state of disbelief that you could reconcile two such polarising goals together.

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Interpsyle Observator: 24 June – 30 June 2024

The major event taking place this week is the Saturn Retrograde (29 Jun) phase which will kick off another five and a half months of inner reflection of our foundations, internal / external structures, responsibilities and obligations.

The week of the Saturn station is a concentrated dose of the Saturn energy that you’ll likely feel strongly at some level in your life. Being a cold and dry planet, you could see these conditions reflected in your external environment or climatic conditions….

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about author

Hi, I’m Shu.

As a professional astrologer with nearly 20 years of study, I do more than read charts for clients. I embody astrological lore in my every day life as a grower, beekeeper, mother, art hobbyist and a dabbler of planetary magic. Guiding, translating, writing, timing, observing, crafting, counselling and teaching are all things I do bring astrology to the world.

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