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Interpsycle Observator: 29 July – 4 August 2024

by | Jul 28, 2024 | Interpsycle Observator, Latest Posts | 2 comments

Transit dates

All dates are stated in Universal Time (UT 0:00hrs). Please adjust for your timezone.

  • 2 Aug   Venus square Uranus

  • 4 Aug   New Moon in Leo

A new cycle begins this week with the New Moon in Leo (4 Aug), which might be a welcome reset. Last lunation seemed to be a hectic combination of volatile aspects and helpful transits happening all at once, mainly occurring across the fixed signs of Leo, Taurus and Aquarius. While we’re still in the thick of Leo season, it’s pleasing to know that the planets are shifting into more amicable placements which may ease tensions a little.

This is the first Leo New Moon in over 250 years with Pluto staring down at it from the opposite sign of Aquarius. In last week’s article, I wrote about the raw and piercing new vibe of Leo season that we will now experience for the next 20 years, thanks to Pluto’s new position at 0 degrees Aquarius, the opposite sign of Leo. This week’s New Moon will be the first major event of the Sun that will inaugurate this 20 year trend, so it’s quite a powerful New Moon if you think about it in this way.

What does this mean for you and the collective? Firstly, as stated in last week’s article, the brightness and positivity that usually comes with Leo season will be diminished to a degree. You may find it a little more difficult to be inspired by the same things that used to move you in the past. Perhaps a more cautious approach might upstage the usual enthusiasm and gusto that Leo season brings. And, perhaps for good reason.

Pluto’s opposition could pose a threat. If not, an awareness of danger, a speculation of risks or an intuitive sense of foreboding might hold you back a little. The Lion becomes more cautious because there are now many unknown new developments edging into existence that could cause some fears and paranoia to creep through. Your Leo house in your natal chart is where this energy comes into. It’s important to explore this concept with an open mind in relation to that area of life indicated by your Leo house because it’s something that will stay for quite some time.

On the other hand, what Pluto touches will be areas of rebuilding. Despite the all-seeing Sun having many insights of his own, the Pluto partnership will be the ‘devil’s advocate’ for the next 20 years, allowing the Leo planets to see into deeper, hidden treasures.

Just prior to the Leo New Moon, there’s a potentially refreshing Venus Uranus square (2 Aug) should you wish to accept their challenge. Will you bend to their calls for flexibility and alternative perspectives? If so, they may reward you with a much needed reset at the New Moon. Take this opportunity to look at things with a different light, especially on long standing matters that may be stubbornly entrenched. The nature of fixed signs which this lunation, Venus and Uranus are involved in can represent long standing issues, stalemates and areas of resistance. Venus suggests it could be pride, an emotion or an ideal that might be the culprits. This week’s Venus square Uranus offers you a chance to breakthrough these persistent matters, whether you choose to do this physically, psychologically, emotionally, spiritually or mentally. The fixed signs of the zodiac – that is, our Taurean, Leo, Aquarian and Scorpion friends, will feel it the strongest. Learning the lesson of letting go can be hard  with all of this fixed sign activity, but perhaps this is all part of the new normal for Leo season.

This is a week of recovery and regrouping after some big planetary influences. Make the most of this small pause because there’s much to anticipate for the Leo sign / house in the last quarter of 2024. Stay tuned. If you have strong Leo placements or in a current Leo activation this year and would like to know earlier, book a consultation here.

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See you next Sunday for the next installment of planetary news.

Shu xx


  1. Angela

    As always thank you Shu. I look forward to your weekly analysis. Especially in the next weeks. Have a lovely week 😊

    • Shu Yap

      Thanks Angela!

about author

Hi, I’m Shu.

As a professional astrologer with nearly 20 years of study, I do more than read charts for clients. I embody astrological lore in my every day life as a grower, beekeeper, mother, art hobbyist and a dabbler of planetary magic. Guiding, translating, writing, timing, observing, crafting, counselling and teaching are all things I do to bring astrology to the world.

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