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Interpsyle Observator: 24 June – 30 June 2024

by | Jun 23, 2024 | Interpsycle Observator

Transit dates

All dates are stated in Universal Time (UT 0:00hrs). Please adjust for your timezone.

  • 26 Jun   Venus square Nodes
  • 26 Jun   Mercury trine Saturn
  • 29 Jun   Venus sextile Mars
  • 29 Jun   Saturn Retrograde
  • 30 Jun   Mercury sextile Uranus

The major event taking place this week is the Saturn Retrograde (29 Jun) phase which will kick off another five and a half months of inner reflection of our foundations, internal / external structures, responsibilities and obligations.

The week of the Saturn station is a concentrated dose of the Saturn energy that you’ll likely feel strongly at some level in your life. Being a cold and dry planet, you could see these conditions reflected in your external environment or climatic conditions. The cold-dry melancholic temperament could also be experienced archetypically through your observations of people or personal tendencies. The word ‘melancholic’ is often perceived as depressive and dark, however from a constitutional perspective, it shows a tendency towards self focus, discernment and concentration. 

Therefore, on a Saturn stationing week, you may feel more drawn away from connecting with others and favour your own space to be deep within your personal mission. Don’t be alarmed if you feel the cold shoulder of someone close to you either. Venus squaring the Nodes (26 Jun) this week, may provoke you to consider the value you get from what you do and who you spend time with. You could come to a realisation that things you were doing might not be worth your time. Perhaps you’d like to make time for other things of more value and meaning. Finding balance is a continual state of flux between give and take and Venus’ sextile to Mars (29 Jun) will be a great opportunity to edge closer to that equilibrium. You might find creative ways to honour your own needs while at the same time, offer presence to others you choose to. The key lesson within this Venus-Mars alliance during a Saturn station this week is that retraction is a form of self preservation so you could be called to be mindful of how much energy you emit. 

Saturn’s strength lies in the commitment to fulfil all of your obligations and unfinished business with determination and focus, even if it seems dreary and boring. You will also benefit from taking some time out this week to organise how you’re going to manage the next five months of life while Saturn is in Retrograde. This is a great practice to undertake on a Saturn stationing week as you’ll appease the Saturnian spirits by reviewing the necessary jobs, tasks and responsibilities during its annual dive into internal review mode. Mercury’s trine to Saturn (26 June) and sextile to Uranus (30 Jun) could give you a mental edge as you think of new ideas to restructure your plans in a new and refreshing light. Think about what’s coming up for you in the next five months, mainly in the areas of externally and materially focused things like projects, career stuff and whatever needs to be managed and taken control of.  You’ll thank me in five months time! This combination also lends well to the gifts of technology, so perhaps you might consider how you can embrace systems, processes and technologies to help preserve your time and resources. 

For folks under a Saturn timelord activation, this week will be somewhat of a milestone for you. Things will shift and manoeuvre into various directions in whatever your big Saturn topic is for you. You’ll need to book a consultation if you’d like to explore what specifically this means for you in this important part of your year’s journey based on a comprehensive look into your birth chart. Just be on the lookout for for significant turning points that might be super relevant to your year.


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See you next Sunday for the next installment of planetary news.

Shu xx


about author

Hi, I’m Shu.

As a professional astrologer with nearly 20 years of study, I do more than read charts for clients. I embody astrological lore in my every day life as a grower, beekeeper, mother, art hobbyist and a dabbler of planetary magic. Guiding, translating, writing, timing, observing, crafting, counselling and teaching are all things I do to bring astrology to the world.

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