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Interpsycle Observator: 3 July – 9 July 2023

by | Jul 2, 2023 | Interpsycle Observator, Latest Posts

Transit dates
  • 3 Jul   Full Moon in Capricorn
  • 7 Jul   Mercury sextile Uranus
  • 9 Jul   Mercury trine Neptune

All dates are stated in Universal Time (UT 0:00hrs). Please adjust for your timezone.

It’s a much more subdued sky this week with a sombre Full Moon in Capricorn being the main feature.

The Capricorn Full Moon (3 Jul) this week will feel much more serious and bland, as if a reorganisation is taking place after the busy and colourful events from last week. You may find yourself focussing on practical matters that can lead you to manage your affairs more effectively. Dealing with paperwork, bureaucracy, life administration and other practical necessities will be highlighted.

Ruled by a Retrograde Saturn, this Capricorn Full Moon may likely force you to go within and reconsider some major structures that form your living world. You may like to reevaluate what you no longer need as a Capricorn Full Moon is about cutting out the excess so you can focus on the fundamentals.

But as the sign of Capricorn symbolises the past and old things, you could also reconnect with ideas from the past, or things that have a historical significance. Perhaps the elderly could feature importantly this week or you may encounter your own limitations of aging.The ancestors could also be calling strongly this week.

Any gatherings under this Moon will have a more sober tone with practicality and productivity being the key motivator. If you need social connection, it may likely come in the form of a work gathering, working bee or something related to getting things done together, like a running date with someone. 

If you’ve been procrastinating on any jobs, it may be good to set some intentions for them this week. You might as well commit to getting your boring and practical jobs attended to while the skies offer you this sombre space for it. Capricorn is all about hard work and necessity.

Shortly after the Full Moon, the Moon will oppose Mercury who brings memories of the past week’s Cazimi and sign change into Cancer. This week Mercury continues to make some subtle aspects with a sextile to Uranus (7 Jul) and trine to Neptune (9 Jul) which might do little other than bringing more imagination to our subtle minds.

The Moon opposing Mercury at the Full Moon will be felt more strongly in that you may feel a strong pull between your head and your heart this week. You may encounter internal conflicts that pull you in two directions which you may be tasked to resolve. Or, you may find it hard to connect with an idea or situation because you don’t agree with it or it seems a little too out of reach at this stage. The opposition to Mercury could also bring some minor verbal arguments and differences at the Full Moon too.

As always on a Full Moon, look at what happened at the New Moon in Capricorn six months ago, which makes it 23 or 24 December 2022 depending on where you’re located in the world.  This week’s Moon will highlight important realisations about that week which may help you to address and resolve those matters. If you consciously set intentions six months ago, this week could also bring peak milestones related to those plans.

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See you next Sunday for the next installment of planetary news.

Shu xx


about author

Hi, I’m Shu.

As a professional astrologer with nearly 20 years of study, I do more than read charts for clients. I embody astrological lore in my every day life as a grower, beekeeper, mother, art hobbyist and a dabbler of planetary magic. Guiding, translating, writing, timing, observing, crafting, counselling and teaching are all things I do to bring astrology to the world.

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