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Interpsycle Observator: 3 April – 9 April 2023

by | Apr 2, 2023 | Interpsycle Observator | 2 comments

Transit dates
  • 3 Apr   Mercury enters Taurus
  • 5 Apr   Mercury sextile Saturn
  • 6 Apr   Full Moon in Libra
  • 7 Apr   Venus sextile Neptune
  • 8 Apr   Mercury sextile Mars

All dates are stated in Universal Time (UT 0:00hrs). Please adjust for your timezone.

It’s an interesting week this week with two main points to share, resonating with the concept of light and shadow. First, the Full Moon in Libra – the light – seems to be quite beautiful with the ruler Venus in her own domicile of Taurus. Second (heads up, technical term coming), the ‘Besiegement’ of Mercury – the shadow – that feeling of being between a rock and a hard place when it comes to topics of Mercury. Let’s dissect…

The Libra Full Moon (6 Apr) brings a social and pleasurable nature down to us, influencing us to feel particularly motivated to organise gatherings, catch up with friends and share conversations, ideas and thoughts especially with indulgences and pampering alongside. People and relationships will be at the forefront of this full moon, as well as the values of equality, balance and harmony. The Moon’s ruler, Venus, is feeling particularly comfortable in her home sign of Taurus, bringing extra quality, price, indulgence and enjoyment to your week. You may feel the urge to splurge on things that you might normally be more conservative about, like having an expensive gourmet meal with a loved one. 

Venus also makes a sextile with Neptune (7 Apr) which will bring your pleasures and indulgences to new heights potentially. You could tap into the limitless creative potential of this aspect by engaging in your imagination, the creative arts or other forms of self expression. It’s also a great aspect to use if you’re doing anything involving an aesthetic nature, like choosing a new outfit, redesigning a living space, beautifying your garden or having a makeover / haircut. So the sociable Full Moon in Libra, ruled by a boundlessly indulgent and creatively talented ruler could make for a really beautiful and sensual week ahead.

Following behind Venus is Mercury, who is currently under the auspice of Venus as she’s the domicile and term ruler of Mercury. Mercury sextiles Saturn (5 Apr) at the beginning of this week, then sextiles Mars (8 Apr) by the week’s end. The direct move between one malefic planet to another is this concept of besiegement, which as the term suggests, is somewhat of a hostile situation for Mercury. It can indicate situations going from bad to worse but only in the areas signified by Mercury.

On its own, Mercury signifies communication, thoughts, ideas, travel, speech, nervous system, connections, technology, siblings, education, intellect, rational mind, logic, intelligence, news, information, numbers, transactions and exchanges. It even rules astrology. These topics will likely bear the force of this malefic besiegement, meaning that circumstances around these themes during this week could be more stressed and challenged than usual. Mercury is also the cosmic trickster and therefore could signify theft, fraud and deception too. Being enclosed by the malefics could bring out the more sinister side of Mercury that you may need to deal with.

In addition to these significations, Mercury will also rule two houses in your chart. It’s important to identify what significations these houses bring as they will be your personal Mercury topics that will be challenged this week. Be mindful not to overcommit in these areas or be too reactive or rigid in your responses to them. Understand that sometimes, things need to get worse before they can get better and this besiegement will teach you that lesson. Whatever feelings of entrapment you may feel around these matters will pass swiftly thanks to the quick moving nature of Mercury. It may be the case of ‘what doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger’ which is supported by the fact that Mercury is making constructive sextiles to these malefics if that’s any consolation.

Lastly, if you’re in a Mercury profection year, my bet is that you’ll absolutely feel the restriction, limitations and hard force of this besiegement, perhaps as a general sentiment all week. Try to find something you can focus and concentrate on by yourself as there could be some productivity benefits if channelled into the right area. You could try taking things into your own hands by finding an outlet to ‘entrap’ yourself for the week and not have too many expectations on yourself. 

So to sum up this week, the feelings of joy and pleasure produced by the Libra Full Moon could be overshadowed by an underlying sense of dread, frustration and oppression felt by Mercury’s condition. Maybe this is coming from the areas ruled by Mercury, or perhaps, it could be your own mind that’s producing these pressures for yourself internally. It will be important to look to the Venusian qualities of grace, feminine wisdom and its power of passive attraction to get through this week because as the Moon wanes over the next two weeks, it will then start its next cycle with the first Solar Eclipse in Aries of the season. Try to be present in moments of joy and pleasure this week because we’re about to head into an intense couple of months ahead.


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See you next Sunday for the next installment of planetary news.

Shu xx


  1. Angela Pellino

    Thank you as always Shu! I hope Venus will be extra supportive this week! 🙂

    • Shu Yap

      Let’s hope but TBH, i’m feeling the full force of enclosure!! Hope this is different in your experience. xx

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Hi, I’m Shu.

As a professional astrologer with nearly 20 years of study, I do more than read charts for clients. I embody astrological lore in my every day life as a grower, beekeeper, mother, art hobbyist and a dabbler of planetary magic. Guiding, translating, writing, timing, observing, crafting, counselling and teaching are all things I do to bring astrology to the world.

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