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Interpsycle Observator: 3 Oct – 9 Oct 2022

by | Oct 2, 2022 | Interpsycle Observator, Uncategorized | 3 comments

Quote of the week

“PLUTO, magnanimous, whose realms profound
Are fix’d beneath the firm and solid ground,
In the Tartarian plains remote from fight,
And wrapt forever in the depths of night;

― The Hymns of Orpheus (Thomas Taylor translations)

things to do this week
  • Allow generous space for reflections and processing
  • Be on the lookout for Pluto motifs (see correspondences within article)
  • Refer back to end of April 2022 for any recurrences or repetitions
  • Prioritise tasks involving deep concentration, detailed work, problem solving, fault finding and research/investigation
Transit dates
  • 3 Oct   First Quarter Moon in Capricorn
  • 7 Oct   Mercury trine Pluto
  • 8 Oct   Mercury Maximum Morning Elongation
  • 9 Oct   Pluto Stations Direct

All dates in Australian Eastern Standard Time (+10GMT) – Please adjust for your time zone

The week centres around the trine of Mercury and Pluto. Told through the lens of the Hellenic gods, Hermes personifies Mercury’s essence while Hades is of the nature of Pluto. 

Hermes, the messenger of the gods, is the only being that can travel between the upper world of Olympus to the realms of the Underworld. Last week, we saw Mercury Station Direct after being Retrograde for 3 weeks, signalling its departure from the Underworld. Mercury is now travelling in the realm of your conscious world, bringing back messages, downloads and visions from your dreaming. You may feel the cogs of your living machine turning again, as ideas start to wake into your material goals. Just as the dreamer wakes from their sleep and steps into their regular morning routine, so too are your visions starting to appear as tangible diary entries in your calendar or real world activities.

Even though Mercury is now in the conscious world, its trine to Pluto (7 Oct) this week suggests that there’s still a lingering memory of Underworld business to be had. Hades, the powerful lord of the ‘unseen world’ to which all souls of the dead would travel to, held them to their personal account and made sure that no one left. 

The scrupulous, merciless and intense nature of Hades will be felt strongly this week as Pluto Stations Direct (9 Oct) after over five months being Retrograde. Depending on where it falls in your natal chart and what aspects it makes, Pluto’s change of direction this week could unearth a hidden, unseen aspect of your life to you. In fact, you may have already met with these Pluto themes as its stationing point can be felt up to two weeks prior (approx since 25 Sep). Check the 26th degree of Capricorn in your natal chart for possible ideas on where Pluto could be showing up.

Psychologically, Pluto themes may offer deep revelations, discoveries or release, possibly around a shadow issue or repressed emotion. Mentally, you could experience some angst, paranoia, fears, compulsive or obsessive behaviour. Physically, there could be weird, unexplained somatic responses in the body or triggers to the digestive, reproductive or eliminatory organs. Thematically, there could be motifs of death, dangers, sexuality, finances, eruptions, destruction, purging, regeneration, transformations, renewal, unveilings and exposés.

Pluto is not a light planet to say the least. Afterall, Hades was a forceful abductor, abuser and controller of Persephone in the world’s oldest abduction story. However, he was also the great equaliser of souls’ accountability in the Underworld and offered great riches and fertility from below the earth.

Think back to the end of April 2022 when Pluto made its Station Retrograde – did you experience anything of the Pluto nature described above? Thinking back to my consultation space around that time, I remember themes involving ancestors, death and dying, significant discoveries, research, investigation and a general sense that clients felt deeply moved by their chart reading. Whatever the situation, chances are that this week, you may be taken back to that space in some way, whether through a memory, recurrence, redressing or a reimagination. And, with all of this, there’s a possibility of heightened emotions, traumatic responses and inner tensions so please allow some generous space this week for immersive reflections and processing.

Coming back to the Mercury Pluto trine (7 Oct), this looks generally positive in terms of tackling Pluto’s intense topics with rationality, effectiveness and lightheartedness. Mercury, in its strong placement in Virgo, will help you to deal with any Plutonic themes swiftly and more objectively than what you may be accustomed to. Pluto on the other hand, will help deepen Mercury’s superficiality, offering more substance and gravitas to its workings. This will be a great week for any research work, investigative tasks, problem solving, fault finding, deep concentration and detailed-orientated work like editing. 

On top of the standard Mercury Pluto trine, this particular transit is one that’s significantly boosted in power because of Pluto’s station, Mercury’s recent station last week and Mercury’s powerful Morning Maximum Elongation (9 Oct) this week. This is a Mercury Pluto trine on steroids, so make sure you make the most of it.

To this end, I leave you with this poem by Roy T. Bennett, author of The Light in the Heart, which I feel encapsulates the all-encompassing and immersive nature of Pluto.

Don’t Just

Don’t just learn, experience.

Don’t just read, absorb.

Don’t just change, transform.

Don’t just relate, advocate.

Don’t just promise, prove.

Don’t just criticize, encourage.

Don’t just think, ponder.

Don’t just take, give.

Don’t just see, feel.

Don’t just dream, do.

Don’t just hear, listen.

Don’t just talk, act.

Don’t just tell, show.

Don’t just exist, live.”

Support the Interpsycle Observator

I hope you find this information useful for your week ahead. Feel free to share your experiences and observations of the week in the comments below as this will help us bridge our understanding of the macrocosm and the microcosm of our lives.

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See you next Sunday for the next installment of planetary news.

Shu xx


  1. Angela

    Thank you Shu. Such a beautiful poem. As a Scorpio rising with Pluto in my first house everything resonates.
    I know you work a lot on Persephone and since I was a child I was attracted to this figure. Do you have some resources available here or elsewhere on her? Thank you again. Have a good week!

    • Shu Yap

      Wow, totally see why you would be attracted to Persephone. There are sooooo many resources on Persephone, you can look up the Orphic Hymn to Persephone and study it. The Eleusinian Mysteries is also a key foundation to study if you’re keen on understanding what practices / rituals were performed and how you might incorporate this into your practice. Some new research has been released recently by Brian Muraresku in his book, The Immortality Key, which is a fascinating study into the use of psychedelics in the Eleusinian Mysteries. There’s also a Joe Rogan interview with him that’s worth watching – fascinating stuff!

      • Angela

        Thank you endlessly Shu. Her figure returns over and over again since I was a child indeed and it’s a shame I did not dive deeper before. I love the myth and I remember her every time I eat a pomegranate, when the season comes. Thank you again for your reply and suggestions.
        Your reports are always a treat! 🙏

about author

Hi, I’m Shu.

As a professional astrologer with nearly 20 years of study, I do more than read charts for clients. I embody astrological lore in my every day life as a grower, beekeeper, mother, art hobbyist and a dabbler of planetary magic. Guiding, translating, writing, timing, observing, crafting, counselling and teaching are all things I do to bring astrology to the world.

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